Sanctuary Point (Deluxe)

Sanctuary Point (Deluxe)

Sanctuary Point as an album didn’t take shape until right at the very end of the process. We didn’t set out to create an album. Instead, as probably is the case for many artists early in their career, we just wrote many different stand alone songs. Over the course of 5 years, we wrote hundreds of demos and beats and small little 15 second sketches. As time went on, some ideas persisted while others lived only in sub-folders on our hard drives. Many of the same themes run parallel through the songs we wrote in this period. This was something that we weren’t conscious of as we were writing, and only became clear as we looked back. These are themes of long distance love, reflecting on what it means to share your heart, heartbreak, wrestling with letting go, as well as ultimately coming to terms with the inevitable tension of being an adult. Sanctuary Point was a way for us to curate the songs that we felt were the strongest, and bring together themes that we felt cohesively represented our young adulthood. Where we are now as a 30 and 28 year-old feels a universe apart from 25 and 23. There is certainly a greater sense of inner calm and acceptance in what we are creating now. Aesthetically we are simplifying and focusing more on groove and mood, and there is less emphasis on lyrical storytelling. We are different people now to who we were when we wrote Sanctuary Point, so it only follows that our sound is shifting too. Nevertheless, before we enter this new period there are two songs from the Sanctuary Point era that we feel deserve to see the light of day and will give the album new meaning; We are adding two tracks, "Sunshine" and "See You Around", to the track list for Sanctuary Point (Deluxe). Sunshine is a huge dip into 2000s house music. It’s in the same idyllic world as Endlessly, Cleopatra, and Everything About You. It’s warm, full of heart, joyful, and celebrates falling into the sunshine of a new love.

Sanctuary Point (Deluxe)

Mel Blue · 1700150400000

Sanctuary Point as an album didn’t take shape until right at the very end of the process. We didn’t set out to create an album. Instead, as probably is the case for many artists early in their career, we just wrote many different stand alone songs. Over the course of 5 years, we wrote hundreds of demos and beats and small little 15 second sketches. As time went on, some ideas persisted while others lived only in sub-folders on our hard drives. Many of the same themes run parallel through the songs we wrote in this period. This was something that we weren’t conscious of as we were writing, and only became clear as we looked back. These are themes of long distance love, reflecting on what it means to share your heart, heartbreak, wrestling with letting go, as well as ultimately coming to terms with the inevitable tension of being an adult. Sanctuary Point was a way for us to curate the songs that we felt were the strongest, and bring together themes that we felt cohesively represented our young adulthood. Where we are now as a 30 and 28 year-old feels a universe apart from 25 and 23. There is certainly a greater sense of inner calm and acceptance in what we are creating now. Aesthetically we are simplifying and focusing more on groove and mood, and there is less emphasis on lyrical storytelling. We are different people now to who we were when we wrote Sanctuary Point, so it only follows that our sound is shifting too. Nevertheless, before we enter this new period there are two songs from the Sanctuary Point era that we feel deserve to see the light of day and will give the album new meaning; We are adding two tracks, "Sunshine" and "See You Around", to the track list for Sanctuary Point (Deluxe). Sunshine is a huge dip into 2000s house music. It’s in the same idyllic world as Endlessly, Cleopatra, and Everything About You. It’s warm, full of heart, joyful, and celebrates falling into the sunshine of a new love.


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