SYML’s music has a sacred quality. The solo venture of Seattle artist Brian Fennell, its themes tap into the instincts that drive us to places of sanctuary, whether that be a place or person. “It comes back to your identity of being human; throughout time we’ve shared the same drive,” he explains. His own upbringing – interwoven with experiences of abandonment, adoption, loss, grief and love – is what drives him to question how connections between people shape us as individuals. Says Fennell, "I think we all lose ourselves at times. Lost Myself is a sneaky sad song. Can you imagine a notion more sad than the realization that you’ve lost who you are? Especially when you thought you knew yourself. "
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- 好听的英文民谣合集,听着民谣上路吧。
- 阴暗时记得多晒晒太阳
- 我在渺无人迹的山谷,不受污染 听从一只鸟的教导 采花酿蜜,作成我的诗歌 美的口粮、精神的祭品 就象一些自由的野花,孤独生长,凋落 我在内心里等待日出,象老人的初恋 夕阳西下。众多的鱼儿从海里跳出 我看它们舞蹈 象一阵风,吹响森林迷人的竖琴 我留心不让自己在歌声里站得太久 我就这样四处漂流,扎根泥土 呈现为大地上另一种风景 我看到好的雨落到秧田里 我就赞美;看到石头 无知无识,我就默默流泪 我说话,我干活,我行走,劳动生产 热爱诗歌。不骄傲 也不谦虚;不平静,也不喧哗 向空中撒种,在地上收获 在农闲季节埋头写作,看窗外的风景 痴痴地出神。 ——方向《出神》 选曲大多为清新风格的当代民谣,民谣流行。 我的第一个正式歌单。 2017/4/29 by 塔希提岛的月亮