灵感来自冯唐的小说《十八岁给我一个姑娘》,缅怀我们终将逝去的青春和爱情!这是R&B音乐人顾翾首次尝试说唱曲风。抓起麦克风,圆个Rapper梦! 此曲的原始版本收录在顾翾2014年发行的首张个人专辑《Blue Moon》中。此次的Remix版由新晋制作人练智海Leojuno操刀,为保留原汁原味的青涩感觉,歌曲的人声部分并未重新录制,而是采用了歌手2012年在家中卧室用300元的麦克风和400元的声卡录制的人声。 Inspired by Feng Tang’s novel ‘Give Me A Girl When I Turn 18’, to celebrate the youth and love we will eventually lose. This is the Hiphop/Rap debut of Sean Kool known as an R&B artist, when he grabs the mic, a real rapper you will find. The original version of “Give Me A Girl When I Turn 18” was released within Sean Kool’s debut album “Blue Moon” in 2014. The remix version is produced by Dorian Lian Zhihai aka Leojuno, a young producer on the rise. The vocal track was recorded in the bedroom with a 300RMB mic and 400RMB sound card back in 2012, just to reminisce the innocent and sentimental feelings of puberty.
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