

谨以此歌献给伟大祖国71岁生日!我爱你我的祖国,我的祖国叫中国! This song is dedicated to our country’s 71st birthday! I love my motherland, her name is China! 作词Lyrics by:肖峰KLG 作曲Music by:肖峰KLG 演唱Performed by:顾翾Sean Kool 制作人Produced by:顾翾Sean Kool 编曲Arranged by:练智海Dorian 演唱设计Vocal Arrangement:顾翾Sean Kool 和声编写Background Vocal Arrangement:苟音Gou Yin,练智海Dorian 和声Background Vocal:顾翾Sean Kool 戏腔Peking Opera:顾翾Sean Kool 合唱Chorus:苟音Gou Yin,蔡晓恩Jacky Cai,黄冠Huang Guan,沈杲SeanGod,严萍Yan Ping,沈畅Shen Chang,张霰Zhang Xian,章扬Zhang Yang,石萍Shi Ping,董昱昆Dypk,九星9star,维奇V.K,米笑尔Michelle,董旭Dong Xu,陈贤君Chen Xianjun 说唱Rap:顾翾Sean Kool 童声Girl Vocal:顾青橙Orange Gu ‘Nerola’ 录音Recording:顾翾Sean Kool@Sean Kool Home Studio 混音Mixed by:苟音Gou Yin 母带工程Mastered by:蔡晓恩Jacky Cai 封面设计Graphic Design:杨安琪Yang Anqi 文案策划Promotion Supervisor & Copywriter:顾翾Sean Kool MV创意MV Creatives:里海Li Hai,潘子卿Pan Ziqing,顾翾Sean Kool MV制作人MV Producer:潘子卿Pan Ziqing,里海Li Hai 美术Graphic Artist:里海Li Hai 动画Animation:潘子卿Pan Ziqing 翻译Translation:顾翾Sean Kool 发行人Publisher:Soul X Mate2                                   发行日期 Release Date:2020.10.01


顾翾 · 1601481600000

谨以此歌献给伟大祖国71岁生日!我爱你我的祖国,我的祖国叫中国! This song is dedicated to our country’s 71st birthday! I love my motherland, her name is China! 作词Lyrics by:肖峰KLG 作曲Music by:肖峰KLG 演唱Performed by:顾翾Sean Kool 制作人Produced by:顾翾Sean Kool 编曲Arranged by:练智海Dorian 演唱设计Vocal Arrangement:顾翾Sean Kool 和声编写Background Vocal Arrangement:苟音Gou Yin,练智海Dorian 和声Background Vocal:顾翾Sean Kool 戏腔Peking Opera:顾翾Sean Kool 合唱Chorus:苟音Gou Yin,蔡晓恩Jacky Cai,黄冠Huang Guan,沈杲SeanGod,严萍Yan Ping,沈畅Shen Chang,张霰Zhang Xian,章扬Zhang Yang,石萍Shi Ping,董昱昆Dypk,九星9star,维奇V.K,米笑尔Michelle,董旭Dong Xu,陈贤君Chen Xianjun 说唱Rap:顾翾Sean Kool 童声Girl Vocal:顾青橙Orange Gu ‘Nerola’ 录音Recording:顾翾Sean Kool@Sean Kool Home Studio 混音Mixed by:苟音Gou Yin 母带工程Mastered by:蔡晓恩Jacky Cai 封面设计Graphic Design:杨安琪Yang Anqi 文案策划Promotion Supervisor & Copywriter:顾翾Sean Kool MV创意MV Creatives:里海Li Hai,潘子卿Pan Ziqing,顾翾Sean Kool MV制作人MV Producer:潘子卿Pan Ziqing,里海Li Hai 美术Graphic Artist:里海Li Hai 动画Animation:潘子卿Pan Ziqing 翻译Translation:顾翾Sean Kool 发行人Publisher:Soul X Mate2                                   发行日期 Release Date:2020.10.01
