King Oedipus:Instrumental Commentary
PARTCH, H.: Ulysses Departs from the Edge of the World / Revelation in the Courthouse Park / King Oedipus / The Bewitched (Enclosure 5) (Partch) Bruce Cook , Rudolphhine Radil , William Derrell , Elvena Green , Robert Hood , Allan Louw , Ian Zellick , Gregory Millar , Margaret Calhoun , Harry Partch , Marjorie Sweazey , George Probert , Ellen Ohdner , Dante Zaro , Ute Miessner , Barbara Browning , Jane Van Rysselberghe , Darlene Mahnke , Patricia Carey , Angela Thorpe , Nancy Wiebenson , Sheila Bates , Elizabeth Brunswick , Jackie Fox 1257868800007