Origin San Jose, California, U.S.
Genres Experimental rock,art rock,noise pop,electronic,post-punk,avant-popart pop
Discography Xiu Xiu discography
Years active 2002–present
Xiu Xiu (/ˈʃuːʃuː/ SHOO-shoo)[1] is an American experimental rock band, formed in 2002 by singer-songwriter Jamie Stewart in San Jose, California. Currently, the line-up consists of multi-instrumentalists Stewart (the only constant member since formation), Angela Seo, and percussionist David Kendrick. The band's name comes from the Chinese film Xiu Xiu: The Sent Down Girl, which has influenced the sound of their music, according to Stewart.
Xiu Xiu released their first two albums, Knife Play (2002) and A Promise (2003) on 5 Rue Christine to positive critical reception. In-between the two, the EP Chapel of the Chimes was released via Absolutely Kosher. The compilation album Fag Patrol was released shortly after, and their third studio album Fabulous Muscles was released in 2004. La Forêt was released in 2005 after Caralee McElroy joined the group, and The Air Force followed in 2006. 2008's Women as Lovers was released via the main Kill Rock Stars label in 2008, and McElroy departed the group shortly afterwards.
来自美国加州圣荷西的著名实验独立团体Xiu-Xiu成立于2000年,除了传统的吉他贝斯鼓等乐器,他们用到各种各样的发声器材,音乐风格有着朋克、环境噪音、现代古典和民谣的迹象,在又吵又乱的神经质中却又无章无法。他们的音乐深受现代古典音乐、即兴音乐、英伦摇滚以及后朋克、科技舞曲还有木琴音乐的影响,是他们充满痛苦的自传,阴郁而带有表演性。在音乐上,可以说Xiu-Xiu自从2003年的那张《A Promise》由主唱Jamie Stewart独揽乐团大权起,就正式奠定了其乐团一种非常独特又稳定的音乐气场。目前,乐队阵容由多乐器演奏家Jamie Stewart(自组建以来唯一的固定成员)、Angela Seo和打击乐手David Kendrick组成。据Stewart说,乐队的名字来自电影《天浴》,这部电影影响了他们的音乐风格。