Vaclovas Augustinas
Psalms of Jerusalem (1995) for tenor, bass, choir & orchestra: V. Al Na'ha'rot Ba'vel - Super flumina Baby
Lithuanian State Symphony Orchestra
Shauliai University Choir "Studium"
Vilnius Municipal Choir "Jauna Muzika"
Vilnius Mixed Choir
Noam Sheriff
Gediminas Ramanauskas
Vaclovas Augustinas
Jurijus Kalcas
Ignas Misiura
Adam Zdunikowski
Thou Hast Ravished My Heart • Live
Concordis Chamber Choir
Vaclovas Augustinas
Pater noster
Jauna Musica
Vaclovas Augustinas
Summa for soloists or Choir /1990/
Vilnius Municipal Choir 'Jauna Muzika
Vaclovas Augustinas
Sieben Magnificat - Antiphonen for unaccompanied Choir /1988, revision May 1991/:O Adonai
Vilnius Municipal Choir 'Jauna Muzika
Vaclovas Augustinas
Sieben Magnificat - Antiphonen for unaccompanied Choir /1988, revision May 1991/:O Schlüssel Davids
Vilnius Municipal Choir 'Jauna Muzika
Vaclovas Augustinas
Sieben Magnificat - Antiphonen for unaccompanied Choir /1988, revision May 1991/:O König aller Völker
Vilnius Municipal Choir 'Jauna Muzika
Vaclovas Augustinas
Sieben Magnificat - Antiphonen for unaccompanied Choir /1988, revision May 1991/:O Immanuel
Vilnius Municipal Choir 'Jauna Muzika
Vaclovas Augustinas
The Beatitudes for Choir or soloists and organ /1990, revision-1991/
Vilnius Municipal Choir 'Jauna Muzika
Vaclovas Augustinas
Leopoldas Digrys
Nun eile ich zu euch & for unaccompanied Choir or soloists /1989/
Vilnius Municipal Choir 'Jauna Muzika
Vaclovas Augustinas
Magnificat for Choir and Soprano Solo /1989/
Vilnius Municipal Choir 'Jauna Muzika
Vaclovas Augustinas
Sieben Magnificat - Antiphonen for unaccompanied Choir /1988, revision May 1991/:O Weisibett
Vilnius Municipal Choir 'Jauna Muzika
Vaclovas Augustinas
Sieben Magnificat - Antiphonen for unaccompanied Choir /1988, revision May 1991/:O Sproß aus Isais Wurzel
Vilnius Municipal Choir 'Jauna Muzika
Vaclovas Augustinas
Szymon Godziemba-Trytek: Choral Works
JAKUBĖNAS, V.: Song of the Exiles and the Deportees and Other Choral Songs (The) (Mintautiene, Skliutas, Augustinas)
Sobre Vaclovas Augustinas