Tomo Jacobson is a Polish-born double bass player based in Copenhagen, Denmark. He focuses his efforts on free improv and other creative musics. With over a dozen albums to his credit, he is mostly known for the projects he is a leader, or co-leader to, namely MOONBOW, MOUNT MEANDER, IL SOGNO, or FREE SPIRITUAL, as well his solo double bass work, and free improv encounters with acclaimed musicians.
Tomo has been very fortunate to perform with the greats like John Tchicai, Andrew D'Angelo, Lotte Anker, Adam Rudolph, Rasul Siddik, P.O. Jørgens, Frank Gratkowski, Fred Lonberg-Holm, Sun Araw, Jacob Anderskov, Kresten Osgood, Hugh Steinmetz, Søren Kjaergaard, Torben Snekkested, Jesper Zeuthen, and many others.
He played at numerous festivals like Copenhagen Jazz Festival (DK), Vinter Jazz (DK), Roskilde Festival (DK), Festa dell'Opera (IT), Milhões de Festa (POR), Jazz Jamboree (PL), Jazz Jantar (PL), Mózg Festival (PL), Sopot Molo Jazz Festival (PL), Audio Art Festival (PL), In Front (DE), Jazz Units (DE), or Creepy Teepee Festival (CZ).
He has performed in Denmark, Sweden, Germany, Estonia, Poland, Italy, Cuba, Belgium, Czech Republic, Portugal, Los Angeles and New York.
Tomo is also an active music life curator and organizer in Copenhagen. Most notably he is a founder of the yearly Freedom Music Festival, which is focused on solo and duo free improvised concerts.
He graduated with a master degree from the prestigious Rytmisk Musikkonservatorium in Copenhagen. He has also been studying musicology at the University of Warsaw, Poland.
Since 2015 together with filmmaker Malwa Grabowska aka Hipermania, Tomo has been working on a documentary film about the legendary double bass player from New York William Parker. The film is in production.
Tomo Jacobson 是出生于波兰现居住于丹麦哥本哈根的低音提琴演奏家,2017年时创办了 Gotta Let It Out 厂牌,作品风格包括自由爵士,先锋爵士,当代爵士,自由即兴,噪音,实验电子等,目前(2017-2018)他已发表了12张个人独奏专辑和3张合作项目专辑。