The National Choir Rinat
Scenes of Israel - Six Madrigals, Op. 11:No. 3, Like a Soft Light: To Jerusalem
Tsippi Fleischer
Yoram Ben Meir
The National Choir Rinat
Stanley Sperber
Scenes of Israel - Six Madrigals, Op. 13:No. 5, Two Eagles and A Single Fig Tree: To the Lower Galilee
Tsippi Fleischer
Esther Raab
The National Choir Rinat
Stanley Sperber
Scenes of Israel - Six Madrigals, Op. 14:No. 6, There God’s Garden Flourishes: To the Sea of Galilee
Tsippi Fleischer
Yaakov Fichman
The National Choir Rinat
Stanley Sperber
Scenes of Israel - Six Madrigals, Op. 9:No. 1, No Hand Has Touched You: To the Mountains of Edom
Tsippi Fleischer
Arnon Ben-Nahum
The National Choir Rinat
Stanley Sperber
Scenes of Israel - Six Madrigals, Op. 10:No. 2, Don't Betlittle the Tears of Today: To Tel Aviv
Tsippi Fleischer
Bat-Sheva Sheriff
The National Choir Rinat
Stanley Sperber
Scenes of Israel - Six Madrigals, Op. 12:No. 4, From the Salt of Your Waters Is the Salt of My Blood and My Tears: To the Mediterranean and the Dead Sea
Tsippi Fleischer
Uri Zvi Grinberg
The National Choir Rinat
Stanley Sperber
The National Choir Rinat简介