The Nathan Scott Orchestra
Flee as a Bird
George Beverly Shea
The Nathan Scott Orchestra
The Victor Voices
Holy, Holy, Holy
George Beverly Shea
The Nathan Scott Orchestra
The Victor Voices
The Spacious Firmament
George Beverly Shea
The Nathan Scott Orchestra
The Victor Voices
O Sacred Head, Now Wounded
George Beverly Shea
The Nathan Scott Orchestra
The Victor Voices
Sun of My Soul
George Beverly Shea
The Nathan Scott Orchestra
The Victor Voices
Stand Up, Stand Up, for Jesus
George Beverly Shea
The Nathan Scott Orchestra
The Victor Voices
God Moves In a Mysterious Way
George Beverly Shea
The Nathan Scott Orchestra
The Victor Voices
Rock of Ages
George Beverly Shea
The Nathan Scott Orchestra
The Victor Voices
Fairest Lord Jesus
George Beverly Shea
The Nathan Scott Orchestra
The Victor Voices
Nearer, My God, to Thee
George Beverly Shea
The Nathan Scott Orchestra
The Victor Voices
My Faith Looks Up to Thee
George Beverly Shea
The Nathan Scott Orchestra
The Victor Voices
Abide With Me
George Beverly Shea
The Nathan Scott Orchestra
The Victor Voices
Abide With Me
George Beverly Shea
Nathan Scott
William Henry Monk
The Nathan Scott Chorus
The Nathan Scott Orchestra
The Nathan Scott Orchestra简介