The Lower Voices of Merton College, Oxford
Hymns from Merton
노래 18곡
All People That on Earth Do Dwell (Old Hundredth) [Arr. for Choir, Brass and Organ by Roy Douglas] [Fauxbourdon in verse 4 by John Dowland]
The Girl Choristers of Merton College, Oxford
The Lower Voices of Merton College, Oxford
Benjamin Nicholas
Francois Cloete
Merton Brass
Drop, Drop, Slow Tears
The Girl Choristers of Merton College, Oxford
The Lower Voices of Merton College, Oxford
Benjamin Nicholas
Owen Chan
All my Hope on God is Founded (Michael) [Arr. for Choir, Organ, Brass and Percussion by Christopher Palmer and Andrew Senn]
The Girl Choristers of Merton College, Oxford
The Lower Voices of Merton College, Oxford
Benjamin Nicholas
Owen Chan
Merton Brass
Praise, My Soul, the King of Heaven (Praise My Soul) [Descant. Alan Gray]
The Girl Choristers of Merton College, Oxford
The Lower Voices of Merton College, Oxford
Benjamin Nicholas
Francois Cloete
Christ is Made the Sure Foundation (Westminster Abbey) [Verse 5 Arr. James O’Donnell]
The Girl Choristers of Merton College, Oxford
The Lower Voices of Merton College, Oxford
Benjamin Nicholas
Owen Chan
Merton Brass
Dear Lord and Father of Mankind (Repton) [Descant. John Scott]
The Girl Choristers of Merton College, Oxford
The Lower Voices of Merton College, Oxford
Benjamin Nicholas
Francois Cloete
Be Thou My Vision, O Lord of My Heart (Slane) [Arr. for Choir and Organ by Erik Routley] [Descant. John Scott]
The Girl Choristers of Merton College, Oxford
The Lower Voices of Merton College, Oxford
Benjamin Nicholas
Francois Cloete
Creator of the Stars of Night (Harmony. John Henry Arnold)
The Girl Choristers of Merton College, Oxford
The Lower Voices of Merton College, Oxford
Benjamin Nicholas
Francois Cloete
Love Divine, All Loves Excelling (Blaenwern) [Descant. John Scott]
The Girl Choristers of Merton College, Oxford
The Lower Voices of Merton College, Oxford
Benjamin Nicholas
Francois Cloete
Before the Ending of the Day (Plainsong) [Harmony. John Henry Arnold]
The Girl Choristers of Merton College, Oxford
The Lower Voices of Merton College, Oxford
Benjamin Nicholas
Hymns from Merton
The Girl Choristers of Merton College, Oxford
Merton Brass
The Lower Voices of Merton College, Oxford
Abide with Me (Eventide) [Descant. David Willcocks]
The Girl Choristers of Merton College, Oxford
The Lower Voices of Merton College, Oxford
Francois Cloete
Love Divine, All Loves Excelling (Blaenwern) [Descant. John Scott]
The Girl Choristers of Merton College, Oxford
Francois Cloete
The Lower Voices of Merton College, Oxford
Drop, Drop, Slow Tears
The Girl Choristers of Merton College, Oxford
The Lower Voices of Merton College, Oxford
Owen Chan
The Lower Voices of Merton College, Oxford 관련 정보