The Hertz





The Hertz简介

声音,可以指由不同的频率组成,亦可以指因不同的事件而形成。 The Hertz 乐队成立于2018年,其歌曲﹑歌词内容写实。五位成员擅长不同音乐风格,却有着相同理念,要透过音乐表达自己,化作语言,传递讯息。彷佛为「声音」添上质感,令人感受到声音的重量。 The audible world is made of the diverse spectrum of frequencies. These frequencies could as well represent various events. The Hertz, formed in the late 2018, is a band that combines the everyday reality with music. Each of the 5 members has very different fortes and interests in terms of music genres, which combined into the unique style of the band. The band is dedicated to express its beliefs and social values by turning such ideas into the basic unit of frequency and the universal language of music.

The Hertz

声音,可以指由不同的频率组成,亦可以指因不同的事件而形成。 The Hertz 乐队成立于2018年,其歌曲﹑歌词内容写实。五位成员擅长不同音乐风格,却有着相同理念,要透过音乐表达自己,化作语言,传递讯息。彷佛为「声音」添上质感,令人感受到声音的重量。 The audible world is made of the diverse spectrum of frequencies. These frequencies could as well represent various events. The Hertz, formed in the late 2018, is a band that combines the everyday reality with music. Each of the 5 members has very different fortes and interests in terms of music genres, which combined into the unique style of the band. The band is dedicated to express its beliefs and social values by turning such ideas into the basic unit of frequency and the universal language of music.
