Skylar Spence



About Skylar Spence

Ryan DeRobertis(生于1993年2月2日,艺名Skylar Spence,原名Saint Pepsi)是美国电子音乐家和歌手,在纽约法明维尔长大,在波士顿学院学习音乐两年。他的电子音乐项目圣百事于2012年12月开始。作为圣百事,他在2013年5月发行了他的第八张录音室专辑《Vibes》。他现在是纽约布鲁克林的居民。 Ryan DeRobertis (born February 2, 1993, known by his stage name Skylar Spence and formerly known as Saint Pepsi) is an American electronic musician and singer who grew up in Farmingville, New York and attended Boston College for two years studying music. His electronic music project Saint Pepsi began in December 2012. As Saint Pepsi, he released his eighth studio album Hit Vibes in May 2013. He is a current resident of Brooklyn, New York.

Skylar Spence

Ryan DeRobertis(生于1993年2月2日,艺名Skylar Spence,原名Saint Pepsi)是美国电子音乐家和歌手,在纽约法明维尔长大,在波士顿学院学习音乐两年。他的电子音乐项目圣百事于2012年12月开始。作为圣百事,他在2013年5月发行了他的第八张录音室专辑《Vibes》。他现在是纽约布鲁克林的居民。 Ryan DeRobertis (born February 2, 1993, known by his stage name Skylar Spence and formerly known as Saint Pepsi) is an American electronic musician and singer who grew up in Farmingville, New York and attended Boston College for two years studying music. His electronic music project Saint Pepsi began in December 2012. As Saint Pepsi, he released his eighth studio album Hit Vibes in May 2013. He is a current resident of Brooklyn, New York.