Last year lift the band the secret of the SCHATTENMANN’s identity and took the Gothic scene by assault. Within two years, singer Frank Herzig raised the future of Neue Deutsche Härte together with his band mates Luke Shook (bass) and Jan Suk (guitars), last year drummer Nils Kinzig completed the line-up. Together, they brought the slightly outdated genre, invented by groups like RAMMSTEIN and OOMPH!!!, back to life and with their support tournees with bands like MEGAHERZ, HÄMATOM and UNZUCHT they made everyone talking about the new slogan „NDH 2.0“,
Their experiences on tour, their permanent exchange and especially their spectacular debut on MERA LUNA FESTIVAL in summer 2018 inspired Frank Herzig to start the work on „Epidemie“ soon after this first release. „I started the songwriting already in April“, so Frank. „Our first tour and everything that happened around and inside of us really drove my creativity. I just had to go on!“ In many months of work formed the ideas and melodies to „Epidemie“.
With this new album SCHATTENMANN go further and present an exciting mix out of the harsh heaviness of NDH, featured by brachial metalriffs and danceable, easy-going hooklines. Once caught by the fantastic energy of „Epidemie“, this longplayer lives up to ist name and touches a particular unheard nerve in the listener. „Epidemie“ is an emotional rollercoaster which also reveals some other very intimidate parts oft he young musicians. This way, the Franconians create an album crossing the border between Metal and NDH and setting their mark impressively.
It is an album, Frank Herzig noticeable feels comfortable with, how he confirmes himself. „We got more mature this way and shapened our own style much more without losing our diversity“, he describes. He worked on every single track and the production for a long time. „I wanted to give a voice to each aspect of „Epidemie“. Like no other album in NDH before, Epidemie moves musically and lyric-wise in a permanent dance between prejudices and labels people try to put on ge