Savannah Jo Lack

About Savannah Jo Lack

As a little girl, Savannah Jo built tree houses, grew vegetables, and rode her bike around the sprawling streets of suburban Brisbane, Australia. Sometime around the age of 4, a violin bit her. Whilst not fatal, the incident did leave her with a strange mark on her neck and a long-standing love of all things string. Fast-forward 3 decades and Savannah Jo Lack has left her own strange mark on the world. She and her violin have carved several enviable niches, none of which could completely contain them. Known to some as a violin soloist, to others as a strings arranger and session musician – and to others as a composer and improv jazz musician, Savannah is an international woman of mystery.

Savannah Jo Lack

As a little girl, Savannah Jo built tree houses, grew vegetables, and rode her bike around the sprawling streets of suburban Brisbane, Australia. Sometime around the age of 4, a violin bit her. Whilst not fatal, the incident did leave her with a strange mark on her neck and a long-standing love of all things string. Fast-forward 3 decades and Savannah Jo Lack has left her own strange mark on the world. She and her violin have carved several enviable niches, none of which could completely contain them. Known to some as a violin soloist, to others as a strings arranger and session musician – and to others as a composer and improv jazz musician, Savannah is an international woman of mystery.