Ruse Symphony Orchestra
Hamlet, Act I:Though Yet of Hamlet Our Dear Brother's Death
Evan Bravos
The Choir of The State Opera-Ruse
Ruse Symphony Orchestra
Leo Hussain
Hamlet, Act I:And Now, Laertes
Evan Bravos
Neal Ferreira
Kevin Thompson
Michelle Trainor
Ruse Symphony Orchestra
Leo Hussain
Hamlet, Act I:Hail to Your Lordship
Omar Najmi
Katherine Pracht
Ruse Symphony Orchestra
Leo Hussain
Hamlet, Act I:Oh My Lord, Oh My Lord
Brianna Robinson
Kevin Thompson
Ruse Symphony Orchestra
Leo Hussain
Hamlet, Act I:Angels and Ministers of Grace Defend Me
Omar Najmi
The Choir of The State Opera-Ruse
Ruse Symphony Orchestra
Leo Hussain
Hamlet, Act I:My Liege, and Madam to Expostulate
Kevin Thompson
Michelle Trainor
Evan Bravos
Ruse Symphony Orchestra
Leo Hussain
Hamlet, Act I:Welcome Dear Rosencrantz and Guildenstern
Evan Bravos
Michelle Trainor
Kevin Thompson
Dobromir Momekov
Teodor Petkov
Andrey Mitev
The Choir of The State Opera-Ruse
Ruse Symphony Orchestra
Leo Hussain
Hamlet, Act II:Prelude
Joseph Summer: Hamlet · 1650556800000
Hamlet, Act II:I Have Heard That Guilty Creatures Sitting at Play
Omar Najmi
Ruse Symphony Orchestra
Leo Hussain
Hamlet, Act II:You Are Welcome
Omar Najmi
Joseph Hubbard
Dobromir Momekov
Teodor Petkov
Evan Bravos
Michelle Trainor
Brianna Robinson
Ruse Symphony Orchestra
Leo Hussain
Hamlet, Act II:To Be Or Not to Be
Omar Najmi
Ruse Symphony Orchestra
Leo Hussain
Hamlet, Act II:Interlude
Eftima Evtimova
Plamena Velichkova
Bozhena Petrova Ivanova
Ruse Symphony Orchestra
Leo Hussain
Hamlet, Act II:How Fares Our Cousin Hamlet
Evan Bravos
Omar Najmi
Kevin Thompson
Michelle Trainor
Eftima Evtimova
Plamena Velichkova
Bozhena Petrova Ivanova
Ruse Symphony Orchestra
Leo Hussain
Joseph Summer: Hamlet
About Ruse Symphony Orchestra