Ron Gates
Gibbons: This is the Record of John
Simon Johnson
The Choirs of All Saints' Church
Orlando Gibbons
Neil Taylor
Roger Palmer
Ron Gates
Fauré - Requiem
Simon Johnson
The Choirs of All Saints' Church
Gabriel Fauré
Neil Taylor
Roger Palmer
Ron Gates
Antiphon I: Mode I
Simon Johnson
The Choirs of All Saints' Church
Neil Taylor
Roger Palmer
Ron Gates
Ireland: Greater Love Hath No Man
Simon Johnson
The Choirs of All Saints' Church
John Ireland
Neil Taylor
Roger Palmer
Ron Gates
Give Us the Wings of Faith
The Choirs of All Saints' Church
Mark Blatchly
Simon Johnson
Neil Taylor
Roger Palmer
Ron Gates
Antiphon III: Mode I
The Choirs of All Saints' Church
Simon Johnson
Neil Taylor
Roger Palmer
Ron Gates
Antiphon V: Mode I
Simon Johnson
The Choirs of All Saints' Church
Neil Taylor
Roger Palmer
Ron Gates
Blessed City, Heavenly Salem
Simon Johnson
The Choirs of All Saints' Church
Edward C. Bairstow
Neil Taylor
Roger Palmer
Ron Gates
Antiphon VI: Mode I
The Choirs of All Saints' Church
Simon Johnson
Neil Taylor
Roger Palmer
Ron Gates
Give Us the Wings of Faith
Simon Johnson
The Choirs of All Saints' Church
Ernest Bullock
Neil Taylor
Roger Palmer
Ron Gates
Stanford: Te Deum in B-Flat
Simon Johnson
The Choirs of All Saints' Church
Charles Vililers Stanford
Neil Taylor
Roger Palmer
Ron Gates
Antiphon II: Mode I
The Choirs of All Saints' Church
Simon Johnson
Neil Taylor
Roger Palmer
Ron Gates
The Souls of the Righteous
The Choirs of All Saints' Church
Geraint Lewis
Simon Johnson
Neil Taylor
Roger Palmer
Ron Gates
À propos de : Ron Gates