Roderick Dixon
Be Thou My Vision (Slane)
Liam Lawton
Kim Lynch
Lori True
Roderick Dixon
Ian Callanan
Theresa Donohoo
Emer Barry
May the Road Rise to Meet You
Kim Lynch
Lori True
Roderick Dixon
Ian Callanan
Liam Lawton
Emer Barry
Theresa Donohoo
Hiding Place
Liam Lawton
Kim Lynch
Lori True
Roderick Dixon
Emer Barry
Theresa Donohoo
Ian Callanan
The Clouds' Veil
Lori True
Roderick Dixon
Emer Barry
Ian Callanan
Liam Lawton
Kim Lynch
Theresa Donohoo
O Breathe on Me, O Breath of God (St. Columba)
Ian Callanan
Liam Lawton
Kim Lynch
Roderick Dixon
Lori True
Emer Barry
Theresa Donohoo
Canticle of the Turning (Star of the County Down)
Emer Barry
Liam Lawton
Kim Lynch
Ian Callanan
Lori True
Roderick Dixon
Theresa Donohoo
Sing of a Lady
Liam Lawton
Kim Lynch
Lori True
Roderick Dixon
Emer Barry
Ian Callanan
Theresa Donohoo
Seinn Aillelu
Emer Barry
Ian Callanan
Liam Lawton
Theresa Donohoo
Lori True
Kim Lynch
Roderick Dixon
Far Beyond
Ian Callanan
Liam Lawton
Kim Lynch
Lori True
Roderick Dixon
Theresa Donohoo
Emer Barry
Go, Silent Friend (Londonderry Air)
Catholic Classics, Vol. 14: Irish Classics · 1356969600007
The Deer's Cry: I Arise
Ian Callanan
Liam Lawton
Kim Lynch
Lori True
Roderick Dixon
Emer Barry
Theresa Donohoo
There Is a Place
Lori True
Roderick Dixon
Emer Barry
Theresa Donohoo
Liam Lawton
Ian Callanan
Kim Lynch
Ian Callanan
Liam Lawton
Kim Lynch
Lori True
Emer Barry
Roderick Dixon
Theresa Donohoo
About Roderick Dixon