Regina Spektor


Songs (2024 Remaster)

Regina Spektor简介

蕾吉娜·史派克特(英语:Regina Spektor、俄语:Регина Спектор),全名蕾吉娜·伊利尼契纳·史派克特(英语:Regina Ilyinichna Spektor、俄语:Регинa Ильинична Спектор),1980年2月18日出生在苏联(今俄罗斯)莫斯科市,美国犹太裔女歌手、词曲作者。 2001年—2003年,蕾吉娜·史派克特以独立音乐人的身份发行录音室专辑《11:11》《Songs》和《Soviet Kitsch》。2006年,发行第四张录音室专辑《Begin to Hope》,该专辑提名第6届音乐成就终极奖“年度最佳专辑”奖项 [4];2009年,发行第五张录音室专辑《Far》;2012年,发行第六张录音室专辑《What We Saw from the Cheap Seats》,专辑收录曲《All the Rowboats》提名第29届MTV音乐录影带奖“最佳艺术指导”奖项;2014年,创作、演唱的电视连续剧《女子监狱》的插曲《You've Got Time》提名第56届格莱美奖“最佳影视歌曲”奖项 [5]。2016年,发行第七张录音室专辑《Remember Us to Life》。 蕾吉娜·史派克特的音乐会让你不禁然地联想到一个很有古怪灵秀气质的女孩,事实上,在她所演绎的大部分音乐中,富于冷峻而诡异变化的钢琴是唯一的伴奏乐器,这让我们想起了另一位现在已身为人母、可当年却以怪异钢琴气质而独步乐坛的女唱作人:托瑞·艾莫丝(Tori Amos)。但是,如果仅仅给蕾吉娜·史派克特冠以“怪异风格唱作人”的头衔则无形中大大削减了她音乐中具有的多元化音乐色彩。 Regina Spektor was born in Moscow, USSR to a musical Jewish family. Her father, Ilya Spektor, is a photographer and violinist. Her mother, Bella Spektor, was a music professor in a Russian college of music and now teaches at a public elementary school in New York. Spektor learned how to play piano by practicing on a Petrof upright that was given to her mother by her grandfather. The family left the Soviet Union in 1989 due to the ethnic and political discrimination which Jews faced; Regina was nine and had to leave her piano behind.The family settled in the Bronx, New York, where Spektor graduated in Fair Lawn public high school. She gradually achieved recognition through performances in the anti-folk scene in downtown New York City, most importantly at the East Village's Sidewalk Cafe. She sold self-produced CDs at her performances during this period: 11:11 (2001) and Songs (2002). Her other album Soviet Kitsch (2004) was also self produced but Sire and Shoplifter Records help produce the album, while Begin to Hope (2006) was completely produced by Sire records. Regina Spektor is best known for her real lyrics that are supported with her completely recognizable and unique voice.

Regina Spektor

蕾吉娜·史派克特(英语:Regina Spektor、俄语:Регина Спектор),全名蕾吉娜·伊利尼契纳·史派克特(英语:Regina Ilyinichna Spektor、俄语:Регинa Ильинична Спектор),1980年2月18日出生在苏联(今俄罗斯)莫斯科市,美国犹太裔女歌手、词曲作者。 2001年—2003年,蕾吉娜·史派克特以独立音乐人的身份发行录音室专辑《11:11》《Songs》和《Soviet Kitsch》。2006年,发行第四张录音室专辑《Begin to Hope》,该专辑提名第6届音乐成就终极奖“年度最佳专辑”奖项 [4];2009年,发行第五张录音室专辑《Far》;2012年,发行第六张录音室专辑《What We Saw from the Cheap Seats》,专辑收录曲《All the Rowboats》提名第29届MTV音乐录影带奖“最佳艺术指导”奖项;2014年,创作、演唱的电视连续剧《女子监狱》的插曲《You've Got Time》提名第56届格莱美奖“最佳影视歌曲”奖项 [5]。2016年,发行第七张录音室专辑《Remember Us to Life》。 蕾吉娜·史派克特的音乐会让你不禁然地联想到一个很有古怪灵秀气质的女孩,事实上,在她所演绎的大部分音乐中,富于冷峻而诡异变化的钢琴是唯一的伴奏乐器,这让我们想起了另一位现在已身为人母、可当年却以怪异钢琴气质而独步乐坛的女唱作人:托瑞·艾莫丝(Tori Amos)。但是,如果仅仅给蕾吉娜·史派克特冠以“怪异风格唱作人”的头衔则无形中大大削减了她音乐中具有的多元化音乐色彩。 Regina Spektor was born in Moscow, USSR to a musical Jewish family. Her father, Ilya Spektor, is a photographer and violinist. Her mother, Bella Spektor, was a music professor in a Russian college of music and now teaches at a public elementary school in New York. Spektor learned how to play piano by practicing on a Petrof upright that was given to her mother by her grandfather. The family left the Soviet Union in 1989 due to the ethnic and political discrimination which Jews faced; Regina was nine and had to leave her piano behind.The family settled in the Bronx, New York, where Spektor graduated in Fair Lawn public high school. She gradually achieved recognition through performances in the anti-folk scene in downtown New York City, most importantly at the East Village's Sidewalk Cafe. She sold self-produced CDs at her performances during this period: 11:11 (2001) and Songs (2002). Her other album Soviet Kitsch (2004) was also self produced but Sire and Shoplifter Records help produce the album, while Begin to Hope (2006) was completely produced by Sire records. Regina Spektor is best known for her real lyrics that are supported with her completely recognizable and unique voice.
