
雷霆之爱 (Instrumental)




Acerca de P!SCO

“我们就是要毫不犹豫的带来快乐” 2010年成立于台北,P!SCO被乐迷封为“最能挑战肌耐力极限的跳舞摇滚乐团”,2016年入围金音奖最佳现场演出奖,由主唱、吉他、bass、鼓和键盘组成的五人编制,强调视觉与听觉兼具的表演方式,其独特亮眼的舞台魅力绝对要看现场才能体会! 融合摇滚、电子、古典等元素的多元曲风难以被定义,non-stop表演形态让演出绝不冷场。此外,P!SCO也非常重视与台下的互动,从简单的手势、呐喊口号到大合唱,让所有来看表演的乐迷们都成为参与者,创造出台湾前所未见的演出风格,吸引受众目光。 每场演出,P!SCO都会在舞台上挂一面彩虹旗,表达对LGBT与弱势族群的支持。2019年释出〈光圈〉,描述从小因性别倾向被欺负而不断质疑自己的痛苦,此曲在网路平台的播放成绩十分亮眼,也使P!SCO的彩虹形象变得更加鲜明。 由于总是能将场子搞热,P!SCO时常受邀参与大大小小的音乐祭。成军九年以来,不仅走遍台湾各大live house与大型音乐活动,亦曾参与过日本富士电视台、爱知电视台录影,并前往日本、韩国、马来西亚、新加坡、港澳中国等数个国家、超过20个城市进行演出。 “Your Satisfaction; Without Hesitation” Our fans have driven us, themselves and our classification, a Dance Rock Band, to the limits of muscular fatigue. The powerful aura of our electric performance has driven rock festivals in Taiwan, Japan, Hong Kong, Macau, Malaysia, and Korea and their fans to the most sublime of euphoric highs. We’ve made appearances on Japan’s Fuji Television and Aichi TV channels, and enjoyed gratifyingly successful ticket sales on our Tours of Japan. P!SCO love to rush their audience with a non-stop electric harmony of Electriconica,Psychedelic, Classical Piano, a lot of Synth, Dance, and especially Disco Beat styles. One of our trademarks is a heavy emphasis on interaction with our audience, conducting them to revel in shouts, claps, turns, and jumps. Our groupies maintain an unwavering and immensely supportive fan club declaring that our success comes from bringing the audience and band clashing together in a frenzy of movement and delirium. Our relentless production of new projects and captivating merchandise fans our fans into a frenzy. We are P!SCO, no additional exclamation marks needed. We will keep bringing dedication and spirit to international stages and fulfilling ourselves by sating our audiences’ thirst for Happiness and positively unforgettable experiences. Come to a show and, after we’ve all warmed up, we’ll dance into the night!


“我们就是要毫不犹豫的带来快乐” 2010年成立于台北,P!SCO被乐迷封为“最能挑战肌耐力极限的跳舞摇滚乐团”,2016年入围金音奖最佳现场演出奖,由主唱、吉他、bass、鼓和键盘组成的五人编制,强调视觉与听觉兼具的表演方式,其独特亮眼的舞台魅力绝对要看现场才能体会! 融合摇滚、电子、古典等元素的多元曲风难以被定义,non-stop表演形态让演出绝不冷场。此外,P!SCO也非常重视与台下的互动,从简单的手势、呐喊口号到大合唱,让所有来看表演的乐迷们都成为参与者,创造出台湾前所未见的演出风格,吸引受众目光。 每场演出,P!SCO都会在舞台上挂一面彩虹旗,表达对LGBT与弱势族群的支持。2019年释出〈光圈〉,描述从小因性别倾向被欺负而不断质疑自己的痛苦,此曲在网路平台的播放成绩十分亮眼,也使P!SCO的彩虹形象变得更加鲜明。 由于总是能将场子搞热,P!SCO时常受邀参与大大小小的音乐祭。成军九年以来,不仅走遍台湾各大live house与大型音乐活动,亦曾参与过日本富士电视台、爱知电视台录影,并前往日本、韩国、马来西亚、新加坡、港澳中国等数个国家、超过20个城市进行演出。 “Your Satisfaction; Without Hesitation” Our fans have driven us, themselves and our classification, a Dance Rock Band, to the limits of muscular fatigue. The powerful aura of our electric performance has driven rock festivals in Taiwan, Japan, Hong Kong, Macau, Malaysia, and Korea and their fans to the most sublime of euphoric highs. We’ve made appearances on Japan’s Fuji Television and Aichi TV channels, and enjoyed gratifyingly successful ticket sales on our Tours of Japan. P!SCO love to rush their audience with a non-stop electric harmony of Electriconica,Psychedelic, Classical Piano, a lot of Synth, Dance, and especially Disco Beat styles. One of our trademarks is a heavy emphasis on interaction with our audience, conducting them to revel in shouts, claps, turns, and jumps. Our groupies maintain an unwavering and immensely supportive fan club declaring that our success comes from bringing the audience and band clashing together in a frenzy of movement and delirium. Our relentless production of new projects and captivating merchandise fans our fans into a frenzy. We are P!SCO, no additional exclamation marks needed. We will keep bringing dedication and spirit to international stages and fulfilling ourselves by sating our audiences’ thirst for Happiness and positively unforgettable experiences. Come to a show and, after we’ve all warmed up, we’ll dance into the night!