Country of origin:
United Kingdom
Rotherham, South Yorkshire, England
Formed in:
Heavy Metal
Last label:
Dreamtide Music
Years active:
1995-1999 (as Son of a Bitch), 2000-2021
From top to bottom, clockwise: Brian Shaughnessy, Haydn Conway, Graham Oliver, Steve Dawson, Paul Oliver.
Former Saxon members Graham Oliver and Steve Dawson registered the name Saxon in 1997 and for a period there were two versions of Saxon touring. On 25th February 2003, the law found in favor of Biff Byford, and Oliver and Dawson were forced to rename their version of the band Oliver/Dawson Saxon.
See also Son of a Bitch.
As of 2021, and Steve Dawson's retirement from music, Oliver/Dawson Saxon are split-up and most members have continued as Graham Oliver's Army albeit with a new bassist.
Final line-up
Graham Oliver – guitar (Saxon: 1976–1994, Oliver/Dawson Saxon: 1994–2021)
Steve Dawson – bass guitar (Saxon: 1976–1986, Oliver/Dawson Saxon: 1994–2021)
Paul Oliver – drums (Oliver/Dawson Saxon: 2010–2021)
Bri Shaughnessy – vocals (Oliver/Dawson Saxon: 2011–2021)
Gav Coulson – guitar (Oliver/Dawson Saxon: 2016–2021)