Nicholas Fletcher
Rutter: A Gaelic Blessing
Come, Come, My Voice · 1191168000000
Stanford: Magnificat in G
Paul Hale
Nicholas Fletcher
Charles Villiers Stanford
Philip Rushforth
Southwell Minster Choir
JS Bach: Come Let Us All This Day
Paul Hale
Nicholas Fletcher
Johann Sebastian Bach
Philip Rushforth
Southwell Minster Choir
JS Bach: Come, Come My Voice
Paul Hale
Nicholas Fletcher
Johann Sebastian Bach
Philip Rushforth
Southwell Minster Choir
Handel: I Know That My Redeemer Liveth
Paul Hale
Nicholas Fletcher
Georg Friedrich Händel
Philip Rushforth
Southwell Minster Choir
Dyson: Magnificat in F
Paul Hale
Nicholas Fletcher
George Dyson
Philip Rushforth
Southwell Minster Choir
Vaughan Williams: The Call
Paul Hale
Nicholas Fletcher
Ralph Vaughan Williams
Philip Rushforth
Southwell Minster Choir
Hurford: Litany To the Holy Spirit
Come, Come, My Voice · 1191168000000
JS Bach: My Heart Ever Faithful
Come, Come, My Voice · 1191168000000
Lallouette: O Mysterium Ineffabile
Come, Come, My Voice · 1191168000000
Handel: How Beautiful Are the Feet
Paul Hale
Nicholas Fletcher
Georg Friedrich Händel
Philip Rushforth
Southwell Minster Choir
Dankworth: Light Of The World
Paul Hale
Nicholas Fletcher
John Dankworth
Philip Rushforth
Southwell Minster Choir
Ireland: Ex Ore Innocentium
Paul Hale
Nicholas Fletcher
John Ireland
Philip Rushforth
Southwell Minster Choir
Nicholas Fletcher