A prolific American multi-instrumentalist and progressive rock composer based in Nashville, Tennesse
Neal Morse (born August 2, 1960) is an American singer, musician and composer based in Nashville, Tennessee. In 1992, he formed the progressive rock band Spock's Beard with his brother Alan and released an album which was moderately successful. In 1999, he joined Dream Theater's co-founder and then drummer Mike Portnoy, together with Flower Kings' Roine Stolt and Marillion's Pete Trewavas they formed the super-group Transatlantic.[1] In 2002, Neal Morse became a born again Christian, left Spock's Beard and began a Christian rock solo career, releasing many progressive rock concept albums about his new religious faith. In the meantime, he continued to play with Transatlantic and formed three new bands with Portnoy, Yellow Matter Custard, Flying Colors and The Neal Morse Band.
作为一个年轻的音乐家,NEAL的梦想,和其他许多人一样,找到属于自己的成功的流行音乐世界。 但是,经过多年奋斗在洛杉矶歌手现场,他意识到,这个梦想恐怕不会实现.避免传统,NEAL迈出了勇敢的一步:他遇到了前卫摇滚,并且义无返顾的献身了其中.他知道这种音乐很少有机会取得商业上的成功.但他还是无所畏惧的与自己的弟弟ALAN MORSE组建了SPOCK`S BEARD这个乐队,在经历了很多困难后,乐队终于取得了成功,并且震荡了整个美国摇滚世界!