Maureen Lehane* <tenorAlexander Young
Theodora, HWV 68:Accompagnato: Oh, worse than death indeed!; Air: Angels, ever bright and fair
English Chamb Orch
Heather Harper
John Lawrenson
Maureen Forrester
Johannes Somary
Amor Artis Chamber Choir
Maureen Lehane* <tenorAlexander Young
Theodora, HWV 68:Overture
English Chamb Orch
Maureen Forrester
Maureen Lehane* <tenorAlexander Young
Amor Artis Chamber Choir
Johannes Somary
John Lawrenson
Heather Harper
Theodora, HWV 68:Recitative: ‘Tis Dioclesian's natal day; Air: Go, my faithful soldier, go
English Chamb Orch
Maureen Lehane* <tenorAlexander Young
Amor Artis Chamber Choir
Maureen Forrester
John Lawrenson
Heather Harper
Johannes Somary
Theodora, HWV 68: Recitative: Vouchsafe, dread lord, a gracious ear; Air: Racks, gibbets, sword and fire
English Chamb Orch
John Lawrenson
Heather Harper
Maureen Lehane* <tenorAlexander Young
Amor Artis Chamber Choir
Maureen Forrester
Johannes Somary
Theodora, HWV 68:Recitative: Most cruel decree; sure thy noble soul; Air: The raptur'd soul defies the sword
English Chamb Orch
Heather Harper
John Lawrenson
Maureen Forrester
Johannes Somary
Amor Artis Chamber Choir
Maureen Lehane* <tenorAlexander Young
Theodora, HWV 68:Recitative: Fly, fly, my brethren, heathen rage pursues us swift; Air: As with rosy steps the morn
English Chamb Orch
Johannes Somary
Heather Harper
John Lawrenson
Maureen Forrester
Amor Artis Chamber Choir
Maureen Lehane* <tenorAlexander Young
Theodora, HWV 68:Recitative: Unhappy, happy crew! Why stand you thus
English Chamb Orch
John Lawrenson
Heather Harper
Johannes Somary
Maureen Lehane* <tenorAlexander Young
Amor Artis Chamber Choir
Maureen Forrester
Theodora, HWV 68: Recitative: Oh Love, how great thy power! Chorus: Go, gen'rous, pious youth
English Chamb Orch
Heather Harper
John Lawrenson
Maureen Forrester
Johannes Somary
Amor Artis Chamber Choir
Maureen Lehane* <tenorAlexander Young
Theodora, HWV 68:Recitative: Ye men of Antioch, with solemn pomp; Chorus: Queen of summer, queen of love
English Chamb Orch
Amor Artis Chamber Choir
Heather Harper
John Lawrenson
Johannes Somary
Maureen Lehane* <tenorAlexander Young
Maureen Forrester
Theodora, HWV 68:Symphony
English Chamb Orch
Johannes Somary
Maureen Lehane* <tenorAlexander Young
Amor Artis Chamber Choir
John Lawrenson
Heather Harper
Maureen Forrester
Theodora, HWV 68:Recitative: O thou bright sun! How sweet thy rays; Air: With darkness deep, as is my woe
English Chamb Orch
Heather Harper
John Lawrenson
Maureen Lehane* <tenorAlexander Young
Johannes Somary
Maureen Forrester
Amor Artis Chamber Choir
Theodora, HWV 68:Symphony
English Chamb Orch
John Lawrenson
Heather Harper
Johannes Somary
Maureen Lehane* <tenorAlexander Young
Amor Artis Chamber Choir
Maureen Forrester
Theodora, HWV 68:Recitative: O save me, Heaven, in this my perilous hour
English Chamb Orch
Johannes Somary
Amor Artis Chamber Choir
Maureen Lehane* <tenorAlexander Young
Heather Harper
John Lawrenson
Maureen Forrester
Acerca de Maureen Lehane* <tenorAlexander Young