* 1981 in Bilčovs, lives and works in Vienna, Austria.
studies: computer music and double bass.
works in the field of improvised & contemporary composed music.
electronic and instrumental solo works, music for dance and film.
duo Rdeča Raketa with Maja Osojnik.
co-founder of Low Frequency Orchestra (Osojnik/Castelló/Grill/Koch/Neugebauer/Schellander).
member of Metalycée (Breuer/Hummer/Schellander/Jurisic/Steiner).
collaborations with Marco Eneidi, Franz Hautzinger, Michael Bruckner, Jorge Sanchez-Chiong/JSX, Wolfgang Schiftner, Akemi Takya, Martin Siewert, Daniel Riegler, Pia Palme, Kazuhisa Uchihashi, Wolfgang Mitterer, Keiko Higuchi, Burkhard Stangl,...