Martha Shaw, conductor
O clap your hands
The Shorter Chorale
Martha Shaw
Justin Maxey, accompanist
Martha Shaw, conductor
John Rutter
Beautiful River
The Shorter Chorale
Martha Shaw, conductor
Martha Shaw
Rev. Robert Lowry
Holy, Holy, Holy
The Shorter Chorale
Martha Shaw
Martha Shaw, conductor
Rachel Roby, soprano
Tom Alderman, organ
John B. Dykes [NICAEA]
Eternal Life/A Prayer
The Shorter Chorale
Martha Shaw
Justin Maxey, accompanist
Martha Shaw, conductor
Olive Dungan
A Mighty Fortress Is Our God
The Shorter Chorale
Martha Shaw
Martha Shaw, conductor
Tom Alderman, organ
(Hymn Tune)
Pilgrims' Hymn
The Shorter Chorale
Martha Shaw, conductor
Martha Shaw
Stephen Paulus
The Eyes of All Wait Upon Thee
The Shorter Chorale
Martha Shaw, conductor
Martha Shaw
Jean Berger
Jubilate Deo
The Shorter Chorale
Martha Shaw
Justin Maxey, accompanist
Martha Shaw, conductor
Benjamin Britten
Salvation is Created
The Shorter Chorale
Martha Shaw, conductor
Martha Shaw
P. Tschesnokoff
The Best of Rooms
The Shorter Chorale
Martha Shaw, conductor
Martha Shaw
Randall Thompson
Great Is Thy Faithfulness
The Shorter Chorale
Martha Shaw
Justin Maxey, accomapnist
Martha Shaw, conductor
arr. by Harris M. Wheeler
Jesus Loves Me
The Shorter Chorale
Martha Shaw
Justin Maxey, accompanist
Martha Shaw, conductor
William B. Bradbury
Ride On, King Jesus
The Shorter Chorale
Martha Shaw
Jasmine Habersham, soprano
Justin Maxey, accompanist
Martha Shaw, conductor
arr. by Moses Hogan
About Martha Shaw, conductor