Marie Powers
The Medium, Act 1: the Sun Has Fallen and It Lies in Blood
Columbia Concert Orchestra
Marie Powers
Evelyn Keller
The Medium:Act II: Don't stand there like a fool! (Baba, A Voice)
Emanuel Balaban
Marie Powers
Studio orchestra
How Many Times Have I Told You Not to Touch My Things! (From The Medium)
Evelyn Keller
Marie Powers
The Sun Has Fallen and It Lies in Blood (From The Medium)
Evelyn Keller
Marie Powers
The Medium, Act 1: How Many Times Have I Told You Not to Touch My Things !
Columbia Concert Orchestra
Marie Powers
Evelyn Keller
The Medium, Act 1: Good Evening Madame Flora
Columbia Concert Orchestra
Marie Powers
The Medium, Act 1: It Happened Long Ago
Columbia Concert Orchestra
Marie Powers
The Medium, Act 2: Where Is Monica?
Columbia Concert Orchestra
Marie Powers
The Medium, Act 2: Afraid, Am I Afraid?
Columbia Concert Orchestra
Marie Powers
The Medium, Act 2: Who's There? Who's There?
Columbia Concert Orchestra
Marie Powers
Evelyn Keller
The Medium, Act 1: You Must Be Very Silent
Columbia Concert Orchestra
Marie Powers
Evelyn Keller
The Medium, Act 1: What Is It? Who Is It?
Columbia Concert Orchestra
Marie Powers
The Medium, Act 1: Baba, What Has Happened
Columbia Concert Orchestra
Marie Powers
Evelyn Keller
Acerca de Marie Powers