Marie Bitlloch
Meet Me in the Green Glen
Rakhi Singh
Donald Grant
Ruth Gibson
Marie Bitlloch
Ruby Hughes
Matthew Bennett
Manchester Collective
Rakhi Singh
Donald Grant
Ruth Gibson
Marie Bitlloch
Matthew Bennett
Manchester Collective
Two Dowland Songs:Go Crystal Tears
Rakhi Singh
Donald Grant
Ruth Gibson
Marie Bitlloch
Ruby Hughes
Matthew Bennett
Manchester Collective
Da Day Dawn
Rakhi Singh
Donald Grant
Ruth Gibson
Marie Bitlloch
Matthew Bennett
Manchester Collective
Rakhi Singh
Donald Grant
Ruth Gibson
Marie Bitlloch
Ruby Hughes
Matthew Bennett
Manchester Collective
Trois chansons de Bilitis, FL 37:I. La flûte de Pan
Rakhi Singh
Donald Grant
Ruth Gibson
Marie Bitlloch
Ruby Hughes
Matthew Bennett
Manchester Collective
Trois chansons de Bilitis, FL 37:II. La chevelure
Rakhi Singh
Donald Grant
Ruth Gibson
Marie Bitlloch
Ruby Hughes
Matthew Bennett
Manchester Collective
Trois chansons de Bilitis, FL 37:III. Le tombeau des naïades
Rakhi Singh
Donald Grant
Ruth Gibson
Marie Bitlloch
Ruby Hughes
Matthew Bennett
Manchester Collective
Rakhi Singh
Donald Grant
Ruth Gibson
Marie Bitlloch
Ruby Hughes
Matthew Bennett
Manchester Collective
Along the Field
Rakhi Singh
Donald Grant
Ruth Gibson
Marie Bitlloch
Ruby Hughes
Matthew Bennett
Manchester Collective
Akhmatova Songs:I. Dante
Rakhi Singh
Donald Grant
Ruth Gibson
Marie Bitlloch
Ruby Hughes
Matthew Bennett
Manchester Collective
Akhmatova Songs:III. Boris Pasternak
Rakhi Singh
Donald Grant
Ruth Gibson
Marie Bitlloch
Ruby Hughes
Matthew Bennett
Manchester Collective
Akhmatova Songs:IV. Couplet
Rakhi Singh
Donald Grant
Ruth Gibson
Marie Bitlloch
Ruby Hughes
Matthew Bennett
Manchester Collective
Sobre Marie Bitlloch