Manuel Zito


How Fragile We Are (Rework)


Manuel Zito 관련 정보

Manuel Zito begins playing at the age of five. In 2002, he also dedicated himself to listen and play "non-classical" music too. He graduates at the Conservatory "S. Pietro a Majella" of Naples in 2012 and starts to play with different band around Italy. His passion for Nordic-European music leads him to record his first album at the "Sundlaugin Studio" in Mosfellsbær (Iceland) in August 2017. Manuel Zito 是来自意大利那普乐斯的钢琴独奏艺术家,作曲家,从事的主要风格有当代古典和新古典主义音乐。

Manuel Zito

Manuel Zito begins playing at the age of five. In 2002, he also dedicated himself to listen and play "non-classical" music too. He graduates at the Conservatory "S. Pietro a Majella" of Naples in 2012 and starts to play with different band around Italy. His passion for Nordic-European music leads him to record his first album at the "Sundlaugin Studio" in Mosfellsbær (Iceland) in August 2017. Manuel Zito 是来自意大利那普乐斯的钢琴独奏艺术家,作曲家,从事的主要风格有当代古典和新古典主义音乐。
