Mélanie Dahan


About Mélanie Dahan

Mélanie Dahan transforms – without nostalgy – beautiful French songs into jazz standards. From “Le petit bal perdu ” to “La princesse et les croque-notes”, her unique voice gives new life to these songs. Indeed, she goes to the heart of some famous, some unknown lyrics from Brassens (from whom she borrows almost word-for-word the title of her album), Dimey, Nougaro, Aznavour and Ferré. Recently nominated for JAZZ IN JUAN-LES-PINS REVELATIONS and named as “the young hopeful of French jazz vocal” at LES COULEURS DU JAZZ festival in 2005, swinging MELANIE DAHAN encompasses her wide array of influences from the French chanson to the Jazz and Latin repertoire, to be emotionally believable at every turn. In November 2014, Mélanie released her third album, called ‘Keys’, which features five pianists: Baptiste Trotignon, Thomas Enhco, Pierre de Bethmann, Manuel Rocheman, and Franck Amsallem supported by Thomas Bramerie on bass and Lukmil Perez on drums.

Mélanie Dahan

Mélanie Dahan transforms – without nostalgy – beautiful French songs into jazz standards. From “Le petit bal perdu ” to “La princesse et les croque-notes”, her unique voice gives new life to these songs. Indeed, she goes to the heart of some famous, some unknown lyrics from Brassens (from whom she borrows almost word-for-word the title of her album), Dimey, Nougaro, Aznavour and Ferré. Recently nominated for JAZZ IN JUAN-LES-PINS REVELATIONS and named as “the young hopeful of French jazz vocal” at LES COULEURS DU JAZZ festival in 2005, swinging MELANIE DAHAN encompasses her wide array of influences from the French chanson to the Jazz and Latin repertoire, to be emotionally believable at every turn. In November 2014, Mélanie released her third album, called ‘Keys’, which features five pianists: Baptiste Trotignon, Thomas Enhco, Pierre de Bethmann, Manuel Rocheman, and Franck Amsallem supported by Thomas Bramerie on bass and Lukmil Perez on drums.