Lidiya Galushkina
Oresteia, Act I - "Agamemnon", Scene 1: No. 2 "Слава! Слава!"
Sergei Taneyev
Orchestra of the Belorussian State Bolshoi Theatre of Opera and Ballet
Choir of the Belorussian State Bolshoi Theatre of Opera and Ballet
Tatiana Kolomiytseva
Lidiya Galushkina
Oresteia, Act I - "Agamemnon", Scene 2: No. 7 Duet "Тому, кто победил"
Sergei Taneyev: Oresteia · 1409011200000
Oresteia, Act I - "Agamemnon", Scene 2: No. 7 "Пусть кто-нибудь"
Sergei Taneyev
Orchestra of the Belorussian State Bolshoi Theatre of Opera and Ballet
Tatiana Kolomiytseva
Viktor Chernobayev
Lidiya Galushkina
Oresteia, Act I - "Agamemnon", Scene 2: No. 8 "Сойди скорее с колесницы"
Sergei Taneyev
Orchestra of the Belorussian State Bolshoi Theatre of Opera and Ballet
Tatiana Kolomiytseva
Lidiya Galushkina
Ninel Tkachenko
Choir of the Belorussian State Bolshoi Theatre of Opera and Balle
Oresteia, Act I - "Agamemnon", Scene 2: No. 9 "Кровавое, давно задуманное дело'
Choir of the Belorussian State Bolshoi Theatre of Opera and Balle
Sergei Taneyev
Orchestra of the Belorussian State Bolshoi Theatre of Opera and Ballet
Tatiana Kolomiytseva
Lidiya Galushkina
Oresteia, Act II - "The Libation Bearers", Scene 1: No. 11 "О, горе мне!'
Tatiana Kolomiytseva
Lidiya Galushkina
Sergei Taneyev
Orchestra of the Belorussian State Bolshoi Theatre of Opera and Ballet
Oresteia, Act II - "The Libation Bearers", Scene 1: No. 13 Recitative and Duet "Страшный сон"
Choir of the Belorussian State Bolshoi Theatre of Opera and Balle
Sergei Taneyev
Orchestra of the Belorussian State Bolshoi Theatre of Opera and Ballet
Tamara Shimko
Tatiana Kolomiytseva
Lidiya Galushkina
Oresteia, Act II - "The Libation Bearers", Scene 3: No. 19 "Привет тебе, о, странник"
Ivan Dubrovkin
Orchestra of the Belorussian State Bolshoi Theatre of Opera and Ballet
Tamara Shimko
Tatiana Kolomiytseva
Lidiya Galushkina
Anatoli Bokov
Sergei Taneyev
Oresteia, Act I - "Agamemnon", Scene 1: No. 3 "Поведай нам"
Sergei Taneyev
Orchestra of the Belorussian State Bolshoi Theatre of Opera and Ballet
Choir of the Belorussian State Bolshoi Theatre of Opera and Ballet
Tatiana Kolomiytseva
Lidiya Galushkina
Oresteia, Act I - "Agamemnon", Scene 1: No. 4 Duet "О, мой Эгист!"
Sergei Taneyev: Oresteia · 1409011200000
Oresteia, Act I - "Agamemnon", Scene 2: No. 7 "О, мой супруг!"
Viktor Chernobayev
Lidiya Galushkina
Sergei Taneyev
Orchestra of the Belorussian State Bolshoi Theatre of Opera and Ballet
Tatiana Kolomiytseva
Oresteia, Act I - "Agamemnon", Scene 2: No. 10 "Вот Эллада кем гордилась!"
Choir of the Belorussian State Bolshoi Theatre of Opera and Balle
Sergei Taneyev
Orchestra of the Belorussian State Bolshoi Theatre of Opera and Ballet
Tatiana Kolomiytseva
Lidiya Galushkina
Anatoli Bokov
Oresteia, Act II - "The Libation Bearers", Scene 1: No. 12 "Клитемнестра!"
Tatiana Kolomiytseva
Viktor Chernobayev
Lidiya Galushkina
Choir of the Belorussian State Bolshoi Theatre of Opera and Balle
Sergei Taneyev
Orchestra of the Belorussian State Bolshoi Theatre of Opera and Ballet
Acerca de Lidiya Galushkina