


  • NEO




LICKONE 是一位饶舌歌手和视觉艺术家,出生于马来西亚槟城,但现在将台湾台北称为第二故乡。通过饶舌和平面设计创作艺术让他沉浸在台北蓬勃发展的艺术社区中。大城市里充满了陷阱和障碍,但 LICKONE 已经准备好迎接所有挑战,他作为独奏艺术家和他的 Rooftopmob 团队成员之一已经准备好向往更专业生涯继续发展。 LICKONE 作为一个外国人面临着关于他作为人类和艺术家的身份的挑战。尽管如此,他努力实现自我和事业成功的同时,战胜了所有心理的恶魔并茁壮成长。 LICKONE 的最终目标不仅仅是作为一名艺术家生存。 LICKONE is a rapper and visual artist who was born in Penang, Malaysia but now calls Taipei, Taiwan second home. Creating art through rapping and graphic design has allowed him to immerse himself into the thriving artistic community of Taipei. Big cities are full of pitfalls and obstacles but LICKONE is ready for all challenges as his career continues to grow as a solo artist and as part of his group Rooftopmob. As a foreigner, LICKONE has faced challenges in regards to his identity as a human as well as an artist. Thus far though, he has thwarted all demons while working towards self actualization and career success. The end goal for LICKONE isn't to merely survive as an artist but to thrive!


LICKONE 是一位饶舌歌手和视觉艺术家,出生于马来西亚槟城,但现在将台湾台北称为第二故乡。通过饶舌和平面设计创作艺术让他沉浸在台北蓬勃发展的艺术社区中。大城市里充满了陷阱和障碍,但 LICKONE 已经准备好迎接所有挑战,他作为独奏艺术家和他的 Rooftopmob 团队成员之一已经准备好向往更专业生涯继续发展。 LICKONE 作为一个外国人面临着关于他作为人类和艺术家的身份的挑战。尽管如此,他努力实现自我和事业成功的同时,战胜了所有心理的恶魔并茁壮成长。 LICKONE 的最终目标不仅仅是作为一名艺术家生存。 LICKONE is a rapper and visual artist who was born in Penang, Malaysia but now calls Taipei, Taiwan second home. Creating art through rapping and graphic design has allowed him to immerse himself into the thriving artistic community of Taipei. Big cities are full of pitfalls and obstacles but LICKONE is ready for all challenges as his career continues to grow as a solo artist and as part of his group Rooftopmob. As a foreigner, LICKONE has faced challenges in regards to his identity as a human as well as an artist. Thus far though, he has thwarted all demons while working towards self actualization and career success. The end goal for LICKONE isn't to merely survive as an artist but to thrive!