Krakow Polish Radio Chorus
Te Deum:laudamus
Jadwiga Gadulanka
Ewa Podleś
Wieslav Ochmann
Andrzej Hiolski
Krakow Polish Radio Chorus
Krakow Polish Radio Symphony Orchestra
Krzysztof Penderecki
Jadwiga Gadulanka
Krakow Polish Radio Chorus
Krakow Polish Radio Symphony Orchestra
Krzysztof Penderecki
Te Deum:Boze cos Polske
Jadwiga Gadulanka
Ewa Podleś
Wieslav Ochmann
Andrzej Hiolski
Krakow Polish Radio Chorus
Krakow Polish Radio Symphony Orchestra
Krzysztof Penderecki
Stabat Mater, Op. 53:ater dolorosa (Stala matka bolejaca)
Jadwiga Gadulanka
Krakow Polish Radio Chorus
Katowice Polish Radio Symphony Orchestra
Antoni Wit
Stabat Mater, Op. 53:Quis est homo qui non fleret (I ktoz widzac tak cierpiaca)
Andrzej Hiolski
Krakow Polish Radio Chorus
Katowice Polish Radio Symphony Orchestra
Antoni Wit
Stabat Mater, Op. 53:Fac me tecum pie flere (Spraw, niech placze z Toba razem)
Jadwiga Gadulanka
Jadwiga Rappe
Krakow Polish Radio Chorus
Antoni Wit
Stabat Mater, Op. 53:Virgo virginum praeciara (Panno slodka, racz mozolem)
Antoni Wit
Andrzej Hiolski
Krakow Polish Radio Chorus
Katowice Polish Radio Symphony Orchestra
Stabat Mater, Op. 53:Christe, cum sit hinc exire (Chrystus niech mi bedzie grodem)
Jadwiga Gadulanka
Jadwiga Rappe
Andrzej Hiolski
Krakow Polish Radio Chorus
Katowice Polish Radio Symphony Orchestra
Antoni Wit
Litania do Marii Panny (Litany to the Virgin Mary), Op. 59:Dwunastodzwieczna cytaro
Jadwiga Gadulanka
Krakow Polish Radio Chorus
Katowice Polish Radio Symphony Orchestra
Antoni Wit
Litania do Marii Panny (Litany to the Virgin Mary), Op. 59:Jak krzak skarlaly
Antoni Wit
Jadwiga Gadulanka
Krakow Polish Radio Chorus
Katowice Polish Radio Symphony Orchestra
Demeter, Op. 37b
Jadwiga Rappe
Krakow Polish Radio Chorus
Katowice Polish Radio Symphony Orchestra
Antoni Wit
A Survivor from Warsaw, Op. 46
Daniel Olbrychski
Krakow Polish Radio Chorus
Polish Radio and Television Orchestra
Szymon Kawalla
Music from 6 Continents (1992 Series) - SCHOENBERG, A. / VAN DE VATE, N. / PENDERECKI, K. (Kawalla) · 1324396800007
Krakow Polish Radio Chorus