Joyce Cheung


The Études


About Joyce Cheung

张贝芝从小接受古典音乐训练,16岁考获英国皇家音乐学院的钢琴文凭以及英国圣三一音乐学院的大提琴文凭。学业以外,她同时于香港演艺学院修读钢琴演奏和电子作曲,及后更获邀与钢琴大师郎朗于香港时代广场举行的大师班同场演出。 就读于圣保罗男女中学的六年间,她成为全校第一位考获青年音乐奖学金的学生。2008年暑假,她于波士顿栢克理音乐学院参加一个为期五周的音乐课程,更考获全额奖学金供来年修读同一课程。翌年暑假,她于美国伊士曼音乐学校进修钢琴演奏更得到校友成就奖。 她凭过人的音乐天赋,考获栢克理音乐学院入学奖学金,主修电影配乐及流行音乐创作和制作,于2014年以一级荣誉成绩毕业。在音乐学院短短三年,她获颁多项奖学金,包括「罗伯特·分享奖」,「伯克利音乐制作奖」及「栢克理学院钢琴系奖学金」等。 张贝芝的创作天分早于童年时期展现,她于六岁创作了第一首作品,从而展开作曲的旅程。中学毕业那年,她写了一首长达10分钟的交响诗,由学校管弦乐团于毕业音乐会演出。多年来,她曾于香港、印尼、台湾、新加坡、泰国等地公开演奏个人作品。后来,她与两位栢克理音乐学院的教授合作创作电影音乐,更从中受到啓发,决心从事电视与电影音乐的创作。 She studied in St. Paul’s Co-educational College where she was the first recipient of the Young Talent Scholarship. She spent the summer of 2008 at Berklee College of Music, participating in a 5-week music programme where she received a full scholarship for the programme in the following year. In the summer of 2009, she participated in the Music Horizons programme hosted by Eastman School of Music, where she received the Alumni Achievement Award. She was awarded the Berklee Entrance Scholarship to attend the Berklee College of Music in 2011. During her time there, she received the Robert Share Award, Berklee Music Preparation Award and the Berklee Piano Department Scholarship. She graduated with first honor in Film Scoring and Contemporary Writing and Production in 2014. As an arranger, she has worked on a variety of arranging projects from pop string quartet to a 100-piece orchestra and choir ensemble. She has showcased her talents in Indonesia, Taiwan, Singapore, Thailand, Boston, Valencia and Madrid. She recently received her Masters Degree from Berklee College of Music, Valencia in Contemporary Performance, in which she produced 4 contemporary arrangements of famous classical repertoire with a title of “Jazzical”. She is currently the Managing Director of Ritzy Live, where she participates in various music performances and creative arranging projects. On top of that she is also an active performer in the jazz scene of Hong Kong.

Joyce Cheung

张贝芝从小接受古典音乐训练,16岁考获英国皇家音乐学院的钢琴文凭以及英国圣三一音乐学院的大提琴文凭。学业以外,她同时于香港演艺学院修读钢琴演奏和电子作曲,及后更获邀与钢琴大师郎朗于香港时代广场举行的大师班同场演出。 就读于圣保罗男女中学的六年间,她成为全校第一位考获青年音乐奖学金的学生。2008年暑假,她于波士顿栢克理音乐学院参加一个为期五周的音乐课程,更考获全额奖学金供来年修读同一课程。翌年暑假,她于美国伊士曼音乐学校进修钢琴演奏更得到校友成就奖。 她凭过人的音乐天赋,考获栢克理音乐学院入学奖学金,主修电影配乐及流行音乐创作和制作,于2014年以一级荣誉成绩毕业。在音乐学院短短三年,她获颁多项奖学金,包括「罗伯特·分享奖」,「伯克利音乐制作奖」及「栢克理学院钢琴系奖学金」等。 张贝芝的创作天分早于童年时期展现,她于六岁创作了第一首作品,从而展开作曲的旅程。中学毕业那年,她写了一首长达10分钟的交响诗,由学校管弦乐团于毕业音乐会演出。多年来,她曾于香港、印尼、台湾、新加坡、泰国等地公开演奏个人作品。后来,她与两位栢克理音乐学院的教授合作创作电影音乐,更从中受到啓发,决心从事电视与电影音乐的创作。 She studied in St. Paul’s Co-educational College where she was the first recipient of the Young Talent Scholarship. She spent the summer of 2008 at Berklee College of Music, participating in a 5-week music programme where she received a full scholarship for the programme in the following year. In the summer of 2009, she participated in the Music Horizons programme hosted by Eastman School of Music, where she received the Alumni Achievement Award. She was awarded the Berklee Entrance Scholarship to attend the Berklee College of Music in 2011. During her time there, she received the Robert Share Award, Berklee Music Preparation Award and the Berklee Piano Department Scholarship. She graduated with first honor in Film Scoring and Contemporary Writing and Production in 2014. As an arranger, she has worked on a variety of arranging projects from pop string quartet to a 100-piece orchestra and choir ensemble. She has showcased her talents in Indonesia, Taiwan, Singapore, Thailand, Boston, Valencia and Madrid. She recently received her Masters Degree from Berklee College of Music, Valencia in Contemporary Performance, in which she produced 4 contemporary arrangements of famous classical repertoire with a title of “Jazzical”. She is currently the Managing Director of Ritzy Live, where she participates in various music performances and creative arranging projects. On top of that she is also an active performer in the jazz scene of Hong Kong.