Joel Bluestone
The Secret Guitar: II. Allegro brioso
Bryan Johanson
Hamilton Cheifetz
Yoshi Nakao
Joel Bluestone
Dragon V2 (feat. Michael Couper, Todd Rewoldt, Andrew Kreysa, Justin Dehart & Joel Bluestone)
Michael Couper
Todd Rewoldt
Andrew Kreysa
Justin DeHart
Joel Bluestone
Suite Noir II in E Minor, Op. 63b: II. An Invisible Wind of Imaginary Music
Swarmius Chamber Orchestra
Joel Bluestone
Felix Olschofka
Andrew Kreysa
Todd Rewoldt
Suite Noir I in C Minor, Op. 63a: I. Floating Above the City At Night, Ca.1959
Swarmius Chamber Orchestra
Felix Olschofka
Joel Bluestone
Todd Rewoldt
Suite Noir III in A Minor, Op. 63c: III. Cerulean and Other Colors of the Sky
Swarmius Chamber Orchestra
Joel Bluestone
Felix Olschofka
Todd Rewoldt
Sonata da Camera: II. Allemanda
Bryan Johanson
Hamilton Cheifetz
Joel Bluestone
Sonata da Camera: III. Pastorale
Bryan Johanson
Hamilton Cheifetz
Joel Bluestone
The Secret Guitar: I. Tranquillo
Bryan Johanson
Hamilton Cheifetz
Yoshi Nakao
Joel Bluestone
The Secret Guitar: IV. Larghetto
Bryan Johanson
Hamilton Cheifetz
Yoshi Nakao
Joel Bluestone
The Secret Guitar: V. Presto brioso, vivace assai
Bryan Johanson
Hamilton Cheifetz
Yoshi Nakao
Joel Bluestone
Sonata da Camera: I. Preludio
Bryan Johanson
Hamilton Cheifetz
Joel Bluestone
Sonata da Camera: IV. Gavotta
Bryan Johanson
Hamilton Cheifetz
Joel Bluestone
The Secret Guitar: III. Vivace
Bryan Johanson
Hamilton Cheifetz
Yoshi Nakao
Joel Bluestone
Suite Noir II in E Minor, Op. 63b: II. An Invisible Wind of Imaginary Music
Swarmius Chamber Orchestra
Todd Rewoldt
Felix Olschofka
Andrew Kreysa
Joel Bluestone
Suite Noir I in C Minor, Op. 63a: I. Floating Above the City At Night, Ca.1959
Swarmius Chamber Orchestra
Todd Rewoldt
Felix Olschofka
Joel Bluestone
Suite Noir III in A Minor, Op. 63c: III. Cerulean and Other Colors of the Sky
Swarmius Chamber Orchestra
Todd Rewoldt
Joel Bluestone
Felix Olschofka
About Joel Bluestone