Jerome Finnis
I will magnify Thee, O God, HWV 250b:Glory and worship are before him (chorus, solo quartet)
Andrew Gant
Jerome Finnis
Michael McGuire
Jacob Ferguson-Lobo
Chapel Royal Choir
Musicians Extra-ordinary
As pants the hart, HWV 251d:Tears are my daily food (alto, vocal quartet) - Recitative: Now when I think thereupon, I pour out my heart by myself (bass)
Andrew Gant
Jerome Finnis
James Bowman
Michael McGuire
Jacob Ferguson-Lobo
Musicians Extra-ordinary
Let Mine Eyes Run Down with Tears, Z. 24: I. Let Mine Eyes Run Down with Tears
Charles Daniels
James Bowman
Jerome Finnis
The King's Consort
Nicholas Witcomb
Robert King
Michael George
Henry Purcell
My Heart Is Inditing of a Good Matter, Z. 30: II. She Shall Be Brought unto the King
Choir of New College Oxford
Rogers Covey-Crump
Stephen Varcoe
The King's Consort
Charles Daniels
Robert King
Jerome Finnis
Michael George
Nicholas Witcomb
Robert Evans
James Bowman
Henry Purcell
Praise the Lord, O Jerusalem, Z. 46: II. Praise the Lord, O Jerusalem
The King's Consort
Charles Daniels
James Bowman
Jerome Finnis
Michael George
Nicholas Witcomb
Philip Hallchurch
Robert King
Choir of New College Oxford
Henry Purcell
O God, Thou Art My God, Z. 35
Charles Daniels
Jerome Finnis
Michael George
Nicholas Witcomb
Rogers Covey-Crump
Choir of New College Oxford
The King's Consort
Robert King
Henry Purcell
O Sing Unto the Lord, Z. 44: III. Sing unto the Lord, and Praise His Name
Choir of New College Oxford
The King's Consort
Robert King
Robert Evans
Nicholas Witcomb
Michael George
Jerome Finnis
James Bowman
Charles Daniels
Henry Purcell
O Sing Unto the Lord, Z. 44: V. O Worship the Lord in the Beauty of Holiness
Nicholas Witcomb
Jerome Finnis
James Bowman
Robert King
Choir of New College Oxford
Charles Daniels
The King's Consort
Robert Evans
Henry Purcell
O Sing Unto the Lord, Z. 44: VI. Tell It Out Among the Heathen That the Lord Is King
Charles Daniels
Choir of New College Oxford
Michael George
James Bowman
Jerome Finnis
The King's Consort
Robert King
Robert Evans
Nicholas Witcomb
Henry Purcell
Praise the Lord, O Jerusalem, Z. 46: III. Be Thou Exalted, Lord
Choir of New College Oxford
Charles Daniels
James Bowman
Jerome Finnis
The King's Consort
Nicholas Witcomb
Philip Hallchurch
Robert King
Michael George
Henry Purcell
Let Mine Eyes Run Down With Tears, Z. 24: III. Do Not Abhor Us, for Thy Name's Sakes
Choir of New College Oxford
Charles Daniels
James Bowman
The King's Consort
Michael George
Nicholas Witcomb
Robert King
Jerome Finnis
Henry Purcell
My Heart Is Inditing of a Good Matter, Z. 30: III. Symphony – Hearken, O Daughter
Stephen Varcoe
The King's Consort
Choir of New College Oxford
Charles Daniels
James Bowman
Rogers Covey-Crump
Michael George
Nicholas Witcomb
Robert Evans
Robert King
Jerome Finnis
Henry Purcell
My Heart Is Inditing of a Good Matter, Z. 30: IV. Praise the Lord, O Jerusalem
Charles Daniels
James Bowman
Jerome Finnis
Michael George
Nicholas Witcomb
Choir of New College Oxford
Robert King
Rogers Covey-Crump
Stephen Varcoe
The King's Consort
Robert Evans
Henry Purcell
حول Jerome Finnis
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