Jenifer Eddy
The Abduction from the Seraglio, K. 384, Act II: With smiles and kind caresses (Blonda)
Yehudi Menuhin
Bath Festival Orchestra
Jenifer Eddy
The Abduction from the Seraglio, K. 384, Act II: Tra-la-le-ra, Tra-la-le-ra (Osmin, Belmonte)
Yehudi Menuhin
Bath Festival Orchestra
Noel Mangin
Jenifer Eddy
The Abduction from the Seraglio, K. 384, Act II: Blonda? Come here, quickly (Pedrillo, Blonda)
Yehudi Menuhin
Bath Festival Orchestra
John Fryatt
Jenifer Eddy
The Abduction from the Seraglio, K. 384, Act II: Any sign of Osmin? (Pedrillo, Blonda)
Yehudi Menuhin
Bath Festival Orchestra
John Fryatt
Jenifer Eddy
The Abduction from the Seraglio, K. 384, Act II: And yet within my heart (Belmonte, Constanza, Pedrillo, Blonda)
Yehudi Menuhin
Bath Festival Orchestra
Nicolai Gedda
Mattiwilda Dobbs
John Fryatt
Jenifer Eddy
The Abduction from the Seraglio, K. 384, Act II: If men mistrust our honour (Constanza, Blonda, Belmonte, Pedrillo)
Yehudi Menuhin
Bath Festival Orchestra
Mattiwilda Dobbs
Jenifer Eddy
Nicolai Gedda
John Fryatt
The Abduction from the Seraglio, K. 384, Act III: Look,she's opening the window (Pedrillo, Belmonte, Blonda, Osmin, Constanza)
Yehudi Menuhin
Bath Festival Orchestra
Nicolai Gedda
John Fryatt
Jenifer Eddy
Noel Mangin
Mattiwilda Dobbs
The Abduction from the Seraglio, K. 384, Act III: Guards! Bring in the two slaves! (Osmin, Pedrillo, Belmonte, Blonda, Pasha Selim, Constanza)
Yehudi Menuhin
Bath Festival Orchestra
Noel Mangin
John Fryatt
Nicolai Gedda
Jenifer Eddy
David Kelsey
Mattiwilda Dobbs
The Abduction from the Seraglio, K. 384, Act II: Gentleness! Kindness! (Osmin, Blonda)
Yehudi Menuhin
Bath Festival Orchestra
Noel Mangin
Jenifer Eddy
The Abduction from the Seraglio, K. 384, Act II: I'm going, but mark what I say (Osmin, Blonda)
Yehudi Menuhin
Bath Festival Orchestra
Noel Mangin
Jenifer Eddy
The Abduction from the Seraglio, K. 384, Act II: O Englishmen you must be crazy (Osmin, Blonda)
Yehudi Menuhin
Bath Festival Orchestra
Noel Mangin
Jenifer Eddy
The Abduction from the Seraglio, K. 384, Act II: Be off now! (Blonda, Osmin)
Yehudi Menuhin
Bath Festival Orchestra
Jenifer Eddy
Noel Mangin
The Abduction from the Seraglio, K. 384, Act II: Ah, there's Constanza (Blonda)
Yehudi Menuhin
Bath Festival Orchestra
Jenifer Eddy
Mozart: The Abduction from the Seraglio
Yehudi Menuhin
Bath Festival Orchestra
David Kelsey
Mattiwilda Dobbs
Jenifer Eddy
Nicolai Gedda
John Fryatt
Noel Mangin
Jenifer Eddy简介