Jasey Hall
Three Rings for the Elvenkings Under the Sky
The War of Wrath: Epic Scenes from The Silmarillion, Part Five · 1687449600000
Alas for the Weakness of the Great!
The War of Wrath: Epic Scenes from The Silmarillion, Part Five · 1687449600000
Give Me a Red Rose (Red Rose Tree)
Angharad Morgan
Jasey Hall
The Moon Shines Ever More Brightly
Angharad Morgan
Jasey Hall
Volante Demo Chorus
Then She Gives One Last Burst of Music
Angharad Morgan
Jasey Hall
Volante Demo Chorus
Why Is He Crying?
Julian Boyce
Helen Greenaway
Jasey Hall
Angharad Morgan
Be He Friend or Foe (Demo)
Paul Corfield Godfrey
Simon Crosby Buttle
Michael Clifton-Thompson
Philip Lloyd-Evans
Julian Boyce
Stephen Wells
George Newton-Fitzgerald
Laurence Cole
Jasey Hall
Beren and Lúthien, He Chanted a Song of Wizardry
Volante Opera
Jasey Hall
Julian Boyce
Simon Crosby Buttle
Beren and Lúthien, Farewell, My Friend and Comrade!
Volante Opera
Jasey Hall
Julian Boyce
Simon Crosby Buttle
Beren and Lúthien, Interlude and Scene One: Thus Felagund Escaped
Volante Opera
Jasey Hall
Michael Clifton-Thompson
Beren and Lúthien, Oh, Beren, Beren
Volante Opera
Jasey Hall
Angharad Morgan
Sobre Jasey Hall