James Freeman, conductor
Trio: Incisive and Rhythmic
Marcantonio Barone
Orchestra 2001
James Freeman
James Freeman, conductor
Gerald Levinson
Igor Begelman
Clancy Newman
Trio: Slow, dreamlike
Marcantonio Barone
Orchestra 2001
James Freeman
James Freeman, conductor
Gerald Levinson
Igor Begelman
Clancy Newman
Marcantonio Barone
Orchestra 2001
James Freeman
James Freeman, conductor
Gerald Levinson
Barbara Ann Martin
Duo (Winds of Light): Fantastico, liberamente
Marcantonio Barone
Orchestra 2001
James Freeman
James Freeman, conductor
Gerald Levinson
Gregory Fulkerson
Charles Abramovic
Duo (Winds of Light): Adagio
Marcantonio Barone
Orchestra 2001
James Freeman
James Freeman, conductor
Gerald Levinson
Gregory Fulkerson
Charles Abramovic
Ragamalika: Prelude
Marcantonio Barone
Orchestra 2001
James Freeman
James Freeman, conductor
Gerald Levinson
Igor Begelman
Clancy Newman
Barbara Ann Martin
Gregory Fulkerson
Charles Abramovic
Ragamalika: En blanc et noir (pour les sonoritês opposêes)
Marcantonio Barone
Orchestra 2001
James Freeman
James Freeman, conductor
Gerald Levinson
Igor Begelman
Clancy Newman
Barbara Ann Martin
Gregory Fulkerson
Charles Abramovic
Duo (Winds of Light): Tempo giusto
Marcantonio Barone
Orchestra 2001
James Freeman
James Freeman, conductor
Gerald Levinson
Gregory Fulkerson
Charles Abramovic
Ragamalika: Ragamalika
Marcantonio Barone
Orchestra 2001
James Freeman
James Freeman, conductor
Gerald Levinson
Igor Begelman
Clancy Newman
Barbara Ann Martin
Gregory Fulkerson
Charles Abramovic
Ragamalika: Postlude
Marcantonio Barone
Orchestra 2001
James Freeman
James Freeman, conductor
Gerald Levinson
Igor Begelman
Clancy Newman
Barbara Ann Martin
Gregory Fulkerson
Charles Abramovic
À propos de : James Freeman, conductor