Ismael Pons-Tena
El amor brujo (Love, the Magician):Scene 1: Introduction y Escena (Introduction and Scene)
Diego Dini-Ciacci
Nancy Fabiola Herrera
Ismael Pons-Tena
Natacha Valladares
I Cameristi
El amor brujo (Love, the Magician):Scene 1: Cancion del amor dolido (Song of the Suffering Love)
Nancy Fabiola Herrera
Ismael Pons-Tena
Natacha Valladares
I Cameristi
Diego Dini-Ciacci
El amor brujo (Love, the Magician):Scene 1: Danza del fin del dia (Dance of the End of the Day)
Nancy Fabiola Herrera
Ismael Pons-Tena
Natacha Valladares
I Cameristi
Diego Dini-Ciacci
El amor brujo (Love, the Magician):Scene 1: Escena: El amor vulgar (Scene: Ordinary Love)
Diego Dini-Ciacci
Nancy Fabiola Herrera
Ismael Pons-Tena
Natacha Valladares
I Cameristi
El amor brujo (Love, the Magician):Scene 1: Sortilegio: A media noche (Enchantment: At Midnight)
Nancy Fabiola Herrera
Ismael Pons-Tena
Natacha Valladares
I Cameristi
Diego Dini-Ciacci
El amor brujo (Love, the Magician):Scene 1: Romance del pescador (Romance of the Fishermen)
Nancy Fabiola Herrera
Ismael Pons-Tena
Natacha Valladares
I Cameristi
Diego Dini-Ciacci
El amor brujo (Love, the Magician):Scene 1: Intermedio (Interlude)
Diego Dini-Ciacci
Nancy Fabiola Herrera
Ismael Pons-Tena
Natacha Valladares
I Cameristi
El amor brujo (Love, the Magician):Scene 2: Introducion: El fuego fatuo (Introduction: Will-o'the-Wisp)
Nancy Fabiola Herrera
Ismael Pons-Tena
Natacha Valladares
I Cameristi
Diego Dini-Ciacci
El amor brujo (Love, the Magician):Scene 2: Escena: El Terror (Scene: Terror)
Nancy Fabiola Herrera
Ismael Pons-Tena
Natacha Valladares
I Cameristi
Diego Dini-Ciacci
El amor brujo (Love, the Magician):Scene 2: Danza del fuego fatuo (Dance of the Will-o'-the-Wisp)
Nancy Fabiola Herrera
Ismael Pons-Tena
Natacha Valladares
I Cameristi
Diego Dini-Ciacci
El amor brujo (Love, the Magician):Scene 2: Interludio: Alucinaciones (Interlude: Hallucinations)
Diego Dini-Ciacci
Nancy Fabiola Herrera
Ismael Pons-Tena
Natacha Valladares
I Cameristi
El amor brujo (Love, the Magician):Scene 2: Conjuro para reconquistar el amor perdido (Spell to Win Back Lost Love)
Diego Dini-Ciacci
Nancy Fabiola Herrera
Ismael Pons-Tena
Natacha Valladares
I Cameristi
El amor brujo (Love, the Magician):Scene 2: Escena: El amor popular (Scene: Common Love)
Diego Dini-Ciacci
Nancy Fabiola Herrera
Ismael Pons-Tena
Natacha Valladares
I Cameristi
Ismael Pons-Tena 관련 정보