

Get Up Stand Up (Radio Edit)


Interpol is an American band formed in 1998 was formed in New York . They are generally classified as indie rock , though they are also placed in the post-punk genre . Bands that Interpol is compared, The Chameleons , Gang of Four , Kitchens of Distinction and The Afghan Whigs . Journalists compare them especially Joy Division [source?] , but the band members themselves are not always happy. This also applies to the comparison with Editors , a popular British band. interpol被视为复兴post-punk的舵手乐队,成军于纽约的他们在2002年发表首张专辑《Turn on theBright Lights》后,便以Joy Division、The Chameleon接班人的姿态,疾速走红于英美两地乐坛。NME曾经针对他们的现场演出,做出如下评论:「Interpol现场演出的热力更甚舞台上的聚光灯,震慑全场如入仙境,这是历史性的一刻!」。吉他手Daniel Kessler、鼓手Greg Drudy与键盘手/贝斯手Carlos Dengler,过去同样都在纽约当地求学,在嗓音淡陌却异常动人的主唱Paul Banks加入后,Interpol的阵容才终于在1998年正式确定。


Interpol is an American band formed in 1998 was formed in New York . They are generally classified as indie rock , though they are also placed in the post-punk genre . Bands that Interpol is compared, The Chameleons , Gang of Four , Kitchens of Distinction and The Afghan Whigs . Journalists compare them especially Joy Division [source?] , but the band members themselves are not always happy. This also applies to the comparison with Editors , a popular British band. interpol被视为复兴post-punk的舵手乐队,成军于纽约的他们在2002年发表首张专辑《Turn on theBright Lights》后,便以Joy Division、The Chameleon接班人的姿态,疾速走红于英美两地乐坛。NME曾经针对他们的现场演出,做出如下评论:「Interpol现场演出的热力更甚舞台上的聚光灯,震慑全场如入仙境,这是历史性的一刻!」。吉他手Daniel Kessler、鼓手Greg Drudy与键盘手/贝斯手Carlos Dengler,过去同样都在纽约当地求学,在嗓音淡陌却异常动人的主唱Paul Banks加入后,Interpol的阵容才终于在1998年正式确定。
