Honolulu Symphony Orchestra
Werther:Act III: Les larmes qu'on ne pleure pas
Eva Gustavson
Honolulu Symphony Orchestra
George Barati
Lieder eines fahrenden Gesellen (Songs of a Wayfarer) (version for voice and orchestra):No. 1. Wenn mein Schatz Hochzeit macht
Eva Gustavson
Honolulu Symphony Orchestra
George Barati
Lieder eines fahrenden Gesellen (Songs of a Wayfarer) (version for voice and orchestra):No. 3. Ich hab' ein gluhend Messer
Eva Gustavson
Honolulu Symphony Orchestra
George Barati
Lieder eines fahrenden Gesellen (Songs of a Wayfarer) (version for voice and orchestra):No. 4. Die zwei blauen Augen
Eva Gustavson
Honolulu Symphony Orchestra
George Barati
Werther:Act III: Ces lettres! … Ces lettres!
Eva Gustavson
Honolulu Symphony Orchestra
George Barati
Werther:La Priere
Eva Gustavson
Honolulu Symphony Orchestra
George Barati
Heleakala: How Maui Snared the Sun:Haleakala: How Maui Snared The Sun
Donald Johanos
Richard Chamberlain
Honolulu Symphony Orchestra
Heleakala: How Maui Snared the Sun:Heleakala - How Maui Snared the Sun
Richard Chamberlain
Honolulu Symphony Orchestra
Donald Johanos
Prairie Light: 3 Texas Watercolors of Georgia O'Keeffe:Light Coming On The Plains-Canyon With Crows-Starlight Night
Donald Johanos
Honolulu Symphony Orchestra
Prairie Light: 3 Texas Watercolors of Georgia O'Keeffe:I. Light Coming On The Plains
Donald Johanos
Honolulu Symphony Orchestra
Clarinet Concerto:Very Fast - Slowly - Dancing
Donald Johanos
Bill Jackson
Honolulu Symphony Orchestra
Prairie Light: 3 Texas Watercolors of Georgia O'Keeffe:II. Canyon with Crows
Donald Johanos
Honolulu Symphony Orchestra
Clarinet Concerto:Blues and Toccata (on the name 'Benny Goodman')
Bill Jackson
Honolulu Symphony Orchestra
Donald Johanos
Honolulu Symphony Orchestra 관련 정보