H Watts
Judas Maccabaeus, HWV63:46. Chorus: See, the conqu'ring hero comes!
A Young
Amor Artis Chorale
H Harper
English Chamber Orchestra
J Shirley-Quirk
H Lester
Wandsworth School Boys Choir
J Somary
H Watts
Saul, HWV53: 28. Chorus: Oh fatal consequence
J Vyvyan
L Dutoit
E Thorborg
Copenhagen Boys Choir
M Wöldike
H Watts
H Handt
Vienna Symph Orch
T Hemsley
Semele, HWV 58:Accompagnato: Ah, whither is she gone
English Chamb Orch
E Fleet
R Tear
S Armstrong
F Palmer
N Taylor
K MIller
J Somary
J Diaz
J Mccarthy
H Watts
Semele, HWV 58:Recitative: By my command; Aria: Where'er you walk
English Chamb Orch
J Somary
J Diaz
K MIller
S Armstrong
F Palmer
J Mccarthy
N Taylor
H Watts
E Fleet
R Tear
Dido and Aeneas, Z. 626, Act 2: VI. Ruin’d ere we this perform
M Thomas
Oriano Concert Orchestra
A Deller
M Bevan
E Dales
R Tear
Oriana Concert Choir
H Sheppard
H Watts
Dido and Aeneas, Z. 626, Act 2: IX. In our deep-vaulted cell
M Thomas
Oriano Concert Orchestra
H Sheppard
A Deller
M Bevan
E Dales
Oriana Concert Choir
R Tear
H Watts
Dido and Aeneas, Z. 626, Act 2: X. Echo Dance of Furies
M Thomas
R Tear
H Watts
M Bevan
E Dales
H Sheppard
Oriana Concert Choir
A Deller
Oriano Concert Orchestra
Dido and Aeneas, Z. 626, Act 3: III. The Sailors Dance
M Thomas
Oriano Concert Orchestra
R Tear
A Deller
Oriana Concert Choir
M Bevan
E Dales
H Sheppard
H Watts
Dido and Aeneas, Z. 626, Act 3: VI. Destruction’s our delight
M Thomas
Oriano Concert Orchestra
A Deller
M Bevan
E Dales
R Tear
Oriana Concert Choir
H Sheppard
H Watts
Dido and Aeneas, Z. 626, Act 3: VII. The Witches Brew
M Thomas
R Tear
A Deller
M Bevan
E Dales
H Sheppard
H Watts
Oriana Concert Choir
Oriano Concert Orchestra
Dido and Aeneas, Z. 626, Act 3: XII. With drooping wings ye Cupids come
M Thomas
H Sheppard
H Watts
Oriano Concert Orchestra
Oriana Concert Choir
A Deller
M Bevan
E Dales
R Tear
Dido and Aeneas, Z. 626, Act. 1: I. Shake the cloud off your brow
M Thomas
A Deller
Oriano Concert Orchestra
R Tear
H Watts
Oriana Concert Choir
M Bevan
E Dales
H Sheppard
Dido and Aeneas, Z. 626, Act 1: IV. When monarchs unite, how happy their state
M Thomas
Oriano Concert Orchestra
A Deller
M Bevan
E Dales
R Tear
Oriana Concert Choir
H Sheppard
H Watts
About H Watts