Georgy Smirnov
Let My Prayer Be Set Forth in Thy Sight, Op. 24/6
The Orthodox Singers' Male Choir
Georgy Smirnov
Confirm, O Lord
The Orthodox Singers' Male Choir
Georgy Smirnov
Eternal Counsel, Op. 40/2
The Orthodox Singers' Male Choir
Georgy Smirnov
Let Us Pray to the Holy Virgin, Op. 43/5
The Orthodox Singers' Male Choir
Georgy Smirnov
Make Haste to Intercede, Op. 45/4
The Orthodox Singers' Male Choir
Georgy Smirnov
I. Cherubic Hymn
The Orthodox Singers' Male Choir
Georgy Smirnov
III. We Hymn Thee
The Orthodox Singers' Male Choir
Georgy Smirnov
VI. Kontakion to St Nicolas
The Orthodox Singers' Male Choir
Georgy Smirnov
Relieve My Suffering, Mother of God
The Orthodox Singers' Male Choir
Georgy Smirnov
Praise the Name of the Lord
The Orthodox Singers' Male Choir
Georgy Smirnov
On the Bed of Suffering, Op. 45/1
The Orthodox Singers' Male Choir
Georgy Smirnov
II. The Peace of the World
The Orthodox Singers' Male Choir
Georgy Smirnov
IV. It is Meet (Hymn to the Holy Virgin)
The Orthodox Singers' Male Choir
Georgy Smirnov
Georgy Smirnov简介