Francis Brett
RSVP Voices
Francis Brett
Guy Johnston
Stephen Farr
Rob Johnston
Philippa Murray
Francis Brett
Armonico Consort
Geoffrey Webber
Christopher Monks
The Preces and Responses: I. The Preces
James O'Donnell
Francis Brett
The Choir of Westminster Abbey
Philip Radcliffe
The Preces and Responses: II. The Responses
The Choir of Westminster Abbey
Francis Brett
James O'Donnell
Philip Radcliffe
The Preces and Responses: I. O Lord, Open Thou Our Lips
The Choir of Westminster Abbey
James O'Donnell
Francis Brett
Bernard Rose
The Preces and Responses: II. The Lord Be with you
James O'Donnell
Francis Brett
The Choir of Westminster Abbey
Bernard Rose
The Preces and Responses: III. The Dismissal
The Choir of Westminster Abbey
James O'Donnell
Francis Brett
Bernard Rose
The I AM Sayings of Jesus: VII. I AM the Door – I AM the Good Shepherd
Tonus Peregrinus
Francis Brett
Antony Pitts
The Preces and Responses: I. The Preces
The Feast of St Michael & All Angels at Westminster Abbey · 1188576000000
The Preces and Responses: II. The Responses
The Choir of Westminster Abbey
Francis Brett
James O'Donnell
Kenneth Leighton
Great Is the Lord, Op. 67
James O'Donnell
Francis Brett
Robert Quinney
The Choir of Westminster Abbey
Edward Elgar
Missa brevis: III. Sanctus & Benedictus
James O'Donnell
Francis Brett
The Choir of Westminster Abbey
Jonathan Harvey
Seven Letters: VI. To the Angel of the Church in Philadelphia
Antony Pitts
Francis Brett
Tonus Peregrinus
Matthew Coleridge - REQUIEM
RSVP Voices
Rob Johnston
Guy Johnston
Stephen Farr
George Barton
Emma Brain-Gabbott
Francis Brett
About Francis Brett