Francesca Forsyth
Messiah in America: X. There Arose a Great Storm (Chorus) - XI. There Was Thick Darkness [Alto]- XII. O That We Had Repented [Chorus]
Millennial Choirs & Orchestras
Brandon Stewart
Brett Stewart
Francesca Forsyth
Messiah in America: XVII. There Were a Great Multitude Gathered (Alto, Soprano) - XVIII. Behold My Beloved Son [Chorus] - XIX. And They Cast Their Eyes Up Again Towards Heaven [Soprano]
Millennial Choirs & Orchestras
Francesca Forsyth
Jennifer Welch-Babidge
Brandon Stewart
Brett Stewart
Messiah in America: XXIV. Hosanna! (Quartet, Chorus)
Millennial Choirs & Orchestras
Brandon Stewart
Brett Stewart
Jennifer Welch-Babidge
Francesca Forsyth
George Dyer
John Huntington
Messiah in America: XXVII. And Jesus Arose (Alto)
Millennial Choirs & Orchestras
Brandon Stewart
Brett Stewart
Francesca Forsyth
Messiah in America: XXXI. Verily, Verily, I Say Unto You (Bass) - XXII. Thy Watchmen Shall Lift Up the Voice [Quartet, Chorus]
Millennial Choirs & Orchestras
Brandon Stewart
Brett Stewart
Jennifer Welch-Babidge
Francesca Forsyth
George Dyer
John Huntington
Messiah in America: IV. And Their Hearts Were Swollen With Joy (Alto)
Millennial Choirs & Orchestras
Brandon Stewart
Brett Stewart
Francesca Forsyth
Messiah in America: XX. And He Stretched Forth His Hand (Soprano) - XXI. Behold, I Am Jesus Christ [Chorus] - XXII. And the Whole Multitude [Soprano] - XXIII. Arise and Come Forth Unto Me [Chorus]
Millennial Choirs & Orchestras
Jennifer Welch-Babidge
Francesca Forsyth
George Dyer
John Huntington
Brandon Stewart
Brett Stewart
Symphony No. 2 in C Minor, "Resurrection": Mvt. IV: "Urlicht" -- Sehr feierlich, aber schlicht (Chrolmässig)
The Philharmonic Orchestra
Francesca Forsyth
Symphony No. 2 in C Minor, "Resurrection": Mvt. V (9): Wieder etwas zurückhaltend
The Philharmonic Orchestra
The Combined Choirs of BYU
Francesca Forsyth
Jennie Litster
About Francesca Forsyth