

Theories Of Emptiness


حول Evergrey

Country of origin:Sweden Location:Gothenburg, Västra Götaland Formed in:1995 Genre:Progressive/Power Metal Themes:Fear, Darkness, Paranoia, Confusion, Religion Current label:Napalm Records Years active:1995-present 前卫金属乐坛里充斥着太多的乐队,他们以结构繁复,曲目冗长而自以为出色,实际上一无是处。音乐被当成了一种显示的手段,除非听者是乐手本人,否则只会在聆听时感到乏味而了无生趣。瑞典的Evergrey是其中的另类。他们在主唱Tom S. Englund的带领下,以发人深省的歌词,独特的歌曲结构,当然还有出类拔萃的音乐技巧在这个领域拓展出了自己的一片天地。Englund的嗓音变化多端,从迷人的净嗓到粗糙强力的正宗金属之音都运用的游刃有余。乐队的风格融和了旋律化的前卫金属和传统金属,并恰到好处的加入了一些优美的民谣曲风,可以说他们完全创立了属于自己的风格,其独特的幽暗冰冷的气质在金属界可谓独树一帜。 Evergrey's lyrics have always been of the darker sort. The same can be said of the band's imagery. While The Dark Discovery dealt with a variety of ideas, later albums have been concept albums, dealing with issues like self-reformation ("Recreation Day"), paranoia, alien abduction ("In Search of Truth"), child abuse, cults, and religion ("The Inner Circle").


Country of origin:Sweden Location:Gothenburg, Västra Götaland Formed in:1995 Genre:Progressive/Power Metal Themes:Fear, Darkness, Paranoia, Confusion, Religion Current label:Napalm Records Years active:1995-present 前卫金属乐坛里充斥着太多的乐队,他们以结构繁复,曲目冗长而自以为出色,实际上一无是处。音乐被当成了一种显示的手段,除非听者是乐手本人,否则只会在聆听时感到乏味而了无生趣。瑞典的Evergrey是其中的另类。他们在主唱Tom S. Englund的带领下,以发人深省的歌词,独特的歌曲结构,当然还有出类拔萃的音乐技巧在这个领域拓展出了自己的一片天地。Englund的嗓音变化多端,从迷人的净嗓到粗糙强力的正宗金属之音都运用的游刃有余。乐队的风格融和了旋律化的前卫金属和传统金属,并恰到好处的加入了一些优美的民谣曲风,可以说他们完全创立了属于自己的风格,其独特的幽暗冰冷的气质在金属界可谓独树一帜。 Evergrey's lyrics have always been of the darker sort. The same can be said of the band's imagery. While The Dark Discovery dealt with a variety of ideas, later albums have been concept albums, dealing with issues like self-reformation ("Recreation Day"), paranoia, alien abduction ("In Search of Truth"), child abuse, cults, and religion ("The Inner Circle").

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