Evanna Chiew
Riders to the Sea, Op. 1:Where is she? (Nora, Cathleen)
HOLST, G.: At the Boar's Head / VAUGHAN WILLIAMS, R.: Riders to the Sea [Operas] (G. Griffiths, Percifield, Warsaw Chamber Opera Orchestra, Borowicz) · 1489075200007
Riders to the Sea, Op. 1:Isn't it turf enough you have for this day and evening? (Maurya, Cathleen, Nora)
Kathleen Reveille
Nicole Percifield
Evanna Chiew
Warsaw Chamber Opera Orchestra
Łukasz Borowicz
Riders to the Sea, Op. 1:Where is the bit of new rope, Cathleen (Bartley, Cathleen, Nora, Maurya)
Nicole Percifield
Evanna Chiew
Kathleen Reveille
Gary Griffiths
Warsaw Chamber Opera Orchestra
Łukasz Borowicz
Riders to the Sea, Op. 1:He's gone now, God spare us (Maurya, Cathleen, Nora)
Nicole Percifield
Kathleen Reveille
Evanna Chiew
Warsaw Chamber Opera Orchestra
Łukasz Borowicz
Riders to the Sea, Op. 1:Wait, Nora, maybe she'd turn back quickly (Cathleen, Nora)
Nicole Percifield
Evanna Chiew
Warsaw Chamber Opera Orchestra
Łukasz Borowicz
Riders to the Sea, Op. 1:I went down to the spring well (Maurya, Nora, Cathleen)
Nicole Percifield
Kathleen Reveille
Evanna Chiew
Warsaw Chamber Opera Orchestra
Łukasz Borowicz
Riders to the Sea, Op. 1:Bartley will be lost now (Maurya, Nora, Cathleen, Woman, Chorus)
Nicole Percifield
Kathleen Reveille
Evanna Chiew
Anna Fijałkowska
Warsaw Chamber Opera Orchestra
Łukasz Borowicz
Riders to the Sea, Op. 1:They are all gone now (Maurya, Nora, Chorus)
Kathleen Reveille
Evanna Chiew
women section Warsaw Philharmonic Choir
Warsaw Chamber Opera Orchestra
Łukasz Borowicz
Acerca de Evanna Chiew