Ensemble Oktoplus
J. A. Hasse: Miserere, Salve Regina - Vivaldi: Gloria, RV 589
21 Songs
Miserere in D Minor: No. 1, Miserere
Mädchenchor Hannover
Ensemble Oktoplus
Andreas Felber
Ulfert Smidt
Miserere in D Minor: No. 4, Quoniam si voluisses
Justyna Ołów
Ensemble Oktoplus
Andreas Felber
Ulfert Smidt
Salve Regina in F Major: No. 3, Eja ergo
Dorota Szczepańska
Ensemble Oktoplus
Andreas Felber
Ulfert Smidt
Salve Regina in F Major: No. 4, Et Jesum
Katharina Held
Justyna Ołów
Mädchenchor Hannover
Ensemble Oktoplus
Andreas Felber
Ulfert Smidt
Gloria in D Major, RV 589: No. 2, Et in terra pax hominibus (Arr. for Choir and Ensemble by Malcolm Bruno)
Mädchenchor Hannover
Ensemble Oktoplus
Andreas Felber
Ulfert Smidt
Gloria in D Major, RV 589: No. 3, Laudamus te (Arr. for Choir, Ensemble and Soloists by Malcolm Bruno)
Sophia Sievers
Marie Falldorf
Ensemble Oktoplus
Andreas Felber
Ulfert Smidt
Gloria in D Major, RV 589: No. 4, Gratias agimus tibi (Arr. for Choir and Ensemble by Malcolm Bruno)
Mädchenchor Hannover
Ensemble Oktoplus
Andreas Felber
Ulfert Smidt
Gloria in D Major, RV 589: No. 6, Domine Deus, Rex coelestis (Arr. for Choir, Ensemble and Soloists by Malcolm Bruno)
Sophia Sievers
Ensemble Oktoplus
Andreas Felber
Ulfert Smidt
Gloria in D Major, RV 589: No. 9, Qui tollis peccata mundi (Arr. for Choir and Ensemble by Malcolm Bruno)
Mädchenchor Hannover
Ensemble Oktoplus
Andreas Felber
Ulfert Smidt
Gloria in D Major, RV 589: No.10, Qui sedes ad dexteram Patris (Arr. for Choir, Ensemble and Soloists by Malcolm Bruno)
Elise Malcher
Ensemble Oktoplus
Andreas Felber
Ulfert Smidt
J. A. Hasse: Miserere, Salve Regina - Vivaldi: Gloria, RV 589
Mädchenchor Hannover
Ensemble Oktoplus
Andreas Felber
About Ensemble Oktoplus