Hailing from Taipei, Zhuangke Mangke is a robust hard rock ensemble that packs a punch. Established in 2020, they're still in their formative phase, awaiting the perfect moment to fully blossom.
Lineup: The band features the vocal talents of Xi En, the guitar prowess of Zheng Wen and Yi Rui, the bass rhythms of Meng Jie, and the drum beats of Wang Fei.
Recipe: Begin by channeling the spirit of booze, romance, solitude, and wild night escapades. Lay down a foundation of Hardrock, and sprinkle in elements of British, gritty, garage, and glam rock. To finish, add a hint of electronic vibes for that extra flair. Blend these components until the rich aroma fills the air.
Essence: Their sound is a potent mix of rhythmic beats and captivating melodies. The tracks take you on an emotional rollercoaster, marked by compelling beats and memorable hooks. Live, the band's energy, from Xi En's dynamic moves to the collective fervor of the group, coupled with the audience's enthusiasm, elevates Zhuangke Mangke's essence to unparalleled heights...
So, whenever life feels a tad mundane, indulge in some Zhuangke Mangke. It's a heady experience I promise you won't forget.